Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 17, 2017

Mountains vs. Desert - What a Contrast!

What a difference a couple of weeks makes!

Galloping through the snow in our mountains....

Galloping across the slickrock in Utah...

Wildlife watching in our mountains...

Wildlife watching in the Utah desert...

Beautiful sky at sunrise at home with alpenglow in the mountains...

Beautiful sky at dusk in the Utah desert...

I love them both, and I'm grateful that we live someplace where we can experience both within a day of each other.


  1. Gorgeous photos! You definitely live in a great spot!

  2. I love all your pics but today my favorite is the wildlife in Utal desert. what a great shot.. we love our little lizards and I talk to them every day...

  3. Utah is beautiful, but for me the snow, the aspens, the high mountain trails are my choices.And for you, a day's travel takes you from one to the other, enjoy them all.

  4. Sometimes within the same day!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. I love this post! We don't live in either of these worlds, but so glad we get to experience it through your photos.

  6. That is quite the contrast and so very beautiful!

  7. It's sort of like having all four seasons. Each has its own charm.

  8. fun to see the difference! We got up to 40's but then the temps dropped to 35! just wind no snow yet
    Hazel & Mabel

  9. You're so lucky to have access to such contrasts.

  10. Such a beautiful contrast. We envy the beauty you have so near you, but we so appreciate your sharing through your photos.

  11. That is so incredible! I envy you. What a beautiful place to live.


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