Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thankful Thursday: The bond shared by the Labraduo

You are used to seeing our Duo in action. R ran atop Hug Hill a week or so ago.

Atop Hug Hill, they both sprint when called. As Shyla ran toward me, a big gust of wind pushed her ear straight up in the air making for a unique image!

Fortunately, they both can turn off their energy and snooze like puppies. In the winter, they tend to snuggle together, in a sun puddle if possible.
R is on forced rest right now. His bad elbow is a little sore but the bigger deal is strained iliopsoas muscles in both hind limbs. He's been on strict rest for a week, and we are seeing improvement. We hope that he'll be back in action after another week of rest.

On this thankful Thursday, I am grateful that our Duo is so close. In fact, because it rarely happens, we've only recently realized that Shyla gets very stressed out if left alone without her brother or us with her. Her brother has helped her with some of her fears, and he's become one of her rocks in this scary world. I'm glad that Shyla trusts R so much!


  1. I hope R feels better soon. I love their floppy ears.

  2. They are so sweet together. Walter feels the same way about Millie as Shyla does about R.

  3. Hari OM
    Sending some POTP for R... sometimes we oldies furget we ain't youngies anymore and kinda overtax the bodies a bit!!! Gorgeous snuggle. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Nice to see their attachment! We hope R gets healed up good as new (and quickly)!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. All paws crossed here fore a speedy recovery for R. So beautiful to see the snuggle like that.


  6. that sleeping duo is just so beautiful I want to hug them both... I do love sleeping dogs and duo's are best of all. I believe all pets need at least one other. even a cat/dog if needed. sorry about the bed rest for R

  7. Those boys are very much in love. It is cute to see them snuggle. I pray R is back to normal soon.

  8. That snuggle photo is absolutely wonderful!

  9. We hope rest will help R a lot. Shyla is so like Ciara - she depended a lot on Thunder for security and then when life got rough for her, Lightning was her go-to pillow. How we love that photo of the sleeping duo.

  10. Your duo is so incredible! Love hearing about them and seeing them snuggled up together in the sun.
    Have a great day KB.

  11. Oh your Duo's last photo makes my itty bitty kitty heart sing.... to sweet.
    Mom is have a time with her iliotibial band (IT band) on her right side. She wonders if R's iliopsoas muscles are similar to that...she bets they are at least distantly related.
    Mom is using the dreaded styrofoam cylinder as many times a day as she can. It hurts so bad she makes me leave the room so I don't learn and HBO meows
    Hugs madi your bfff

  12. Sorry to hear about the soas strain. Clover had a mild one on one side a year or so ago. The PT work we did really helped. Hope R's elbow and other boo-boos start feeling better soon, and YES ... it's nice to have active dogs who also know how to unplug.

  13. They are such a beautiful pair, and that last photo is priceless. Sorry to hear R as been on rest, but glad he is getting better.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. We all need a rock to support us, if we are humans or canines, or felines. Love the two in the sunshine.

  15. They remind me so much of the closeness between our Ellie and Lucy. They were seldom far apart inside or outside.

  16. love seeing the sleeping duo. Paws crossed that R will be feeling better after more rest
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. Sorry to read about your boy and hope the rest does him some good, and good vibes for him! I am envious of his getting to rest for a week! :-) The bond that R and Shyla share is something to celebrate. It's beautiful to see them share those moments of peace and comfort together.

  18. I am sorry to hear that R is not feeling well. Hope the rest does him a world of good and he is back to running around SOON! Love the sleeping pic!!

  19. It is really nice that they are so close. We hope R's strained iliopsoas muscle is better soon. Healing purrs

  20. Two dogs with a great bond is a wonderful thing. I had that with my late Kuvasz sister Katie and Bailie and Madison are also glued at the hip. Dogs need each other just like humans need other humans.

  21. Look at those two sweet cuddle bugs! Squee.


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