Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 3, 2017

Shyla on Top of the World

A favorite ride of mine when we're in the desert is up to a very high cliff where there are incredible views. It's a long climb over very rough terrain but the view is worth it.

This is a panorama with high mountains on the far left that usually have snow on them to towering red sculptures on the far right. The Colorado River is beyond those towers.

I've often had a dog join me on this ride over the years. K did it with me several times. And Shyla did it with me yearly until last year. Last year, her new seizure meds made her lethargic and seemed to sap her endurance. So, I didn't attempt this climb with her then.

It's been about 7 months since Shyla started phenobarbitol for her seizures - and she has only recently returned to her former level of fitness and happiness. All the vets told me that it would take 3 weeks for her to adapt. Now I know that it can take MUCH longer. I hope that this tidbit of information helps someone else with an epileptic dog in the future. I'm glad that we waited it out because she has had no seizures since starting the phenobarbitol. What a gift.

This year, I knew that Shyla was ready to ride up to this view with me. She did it easily, with almost no sign of tiredness at any time during the ride. I do go slowly for her on the way down from the view - mainly so that she doesn't hurt her joints while trying to gallop down a rock surface very fast.

Here she is, on the top of the world!

She wanted to celebrate with a wave to all her friends!

It was a big milestone in my mind because it made me realize that Shyla has very gradually returned to normal over those 7 months! She's a star in our minds!
Happy Desert Autumn!


  1. Hari OM

  2. And she matches the rocks perfectly, complimenting the scenery.

  3. this is great news that she can climb again. so happy for her and for you

  4. WOOHOO!! What grreat news that our Shyla is back to normal!

  5. So glad she's back to her 'normal' self. Keep up the good work.

  6. Beautiful, every one, Superb panorama, I can imagine it when the snow has fallen on the highest places. Shyla, a farewell wave from the top. You are a star.

  7. You know, I actually forgot all about her seizures! I can’t believe it’s been that long. That’s valuable information about the length of time it takes some dogs to adapt!

    Blueberry and I are waving back!

  8. Waving right back atcha on top of your world, Shyla☺ We are thrilled for you!

  9. A great view and great news that she is finally back!

  10. Yay!! for seizure free and for your patience waiting for Shyla to return to normal
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. That is such very good news about Shyla - we are elated for you. She's a star to us too.

  12. HIGH FIVE, Shyla! She does look like she's on top of the world! We're so glad she's doing so well!
    Cam, Mags, and our mom

  13. We are so happy that Shyla is doing so well... and that she was able to go see this beautiful part of the world with you!
    We love you Shyla!

  14. Awwwwwe! Way to go gurl! High Paw! You are a rock star! (hehehe 'rock star'...)
    Ruby ♥

  15. That is great news about Shyla and I'm so happy for you that she is doing so well.

  16. I'm SO glad to hear that Shyla has gradually adapted to her medication and is "herself" again :)


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