Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Thankful Thursday - for Then and Now

When we left for the desert, our world at home in the mountains was a mixture of lingering autumn and incipient winter.  We knew that those leaves wouldn't stay on the trees for much longer.

One of many wonderful things about the western US is that a variety of climates exists within driving distance. It seemed like the perfect time to go have another autumn and extend the season of warmth. The next day, our world looked like this.

We'd never had time for an autumn trip to the world of red rock before. It was perfect.

We'd all run or mountain bike in the morning in shorts and t-shirts, getting to see the colors around us. Then, we'd soak up the sun in our campsite. Our first campsite was one that will always be dear to my heart, K's Rock. We discovered it on K's last trip to the desert. For new readers, K was a chocolate Lab whom we loved with all our hearts and died of bone cancer way too young in 2012. Her cancer journey taught us so much about love, life, and death.

Although the side of K's Rock where we camp makes it look like a flat rock, it's not. That is very clear when you view it from the air. Our white LabMobile is on the side that looks flat.
I've become very attached to this spot, both because it is idyllic and because I think of K whenever we are there.

Our sentiments about K take nothing away from our Shyla who has won our hearts with her sweetness.
I love to see her lying in the sun at the base of K's Rock. It's heaven on Earth to camp there, all four of us. I am thankful to have known K and for our current pack who makes me smile every day!


  1. The rock strata are amazing when seen from up high. K's Rock, a perfect place for that trip at the end of autumn. Snow at home, sunshine a few hours away, Shyla looking so happy, and memories of K.

  2. Hari OM
    The warmth of gratitude exudes from the screen! YAM xx

  3. How did you get the aerial view? Did you take a helicopter ride?

  4. I can see why you call it heaven on Earth and I would love to live within driving distance of different temperatures in different climates. My favorite photo is looking down on the top of your van that is truly beautiful

  5. We can't believe our eyes. The view is nothing of what we expected to see.
    I thought K's rock was more of a bolder but from the air it definitely is not.
    Loving all the aerial views...from above
    xo Astro

  6. Your views are just spectacular! You look so content and happy, Shyla☺

  7. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing your [extended] autumnal beauty.

  8. I can't believe it has been that long since K died. And I'm so glad you have your present pack to bring you joy. Shyla looks so great on that rock. And, as usual, all the pictures are just gorgeous.

  9. We're so thankful you share the beauty of your area with us!

  10. We gasped when we saw the year 2012 - hard for us to believe that it has been that long. K could not have chosen a more beautiful spot for HER rock. And it is easy to see why you think of it as Heaven on Earth.

  11. It's lovely that Shyla also feels the pull of K's rock But we can't believe it's been 5 years since K left.

  12. You are the most incredible family and we love that you share the beauty from your neck of the woods! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. Your drone has opened up a whole new view of the beauty around you. What a special place to be able to spend time
    Hazel & Mabel

  14. You have been blessed with outstanding scenery and remarkable dogs

  15. It is amazing when you live in one climate and can quickly go to a totally different one. It looks real nice in the desert.

  16. We are thankful that K was part of out life too. Thank you for sharing the beauty,,,


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