Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

2017 Photos on Wednesday!

I am in the midst of my annual review of my photos for the year, with the goal of picking favorites for each month. It's fun to remember my favorite parts of the year.

Since this project is mostly so that I can make calendars, it's good to know that I've made to my autumn photos! Just a few months to go! So far, I have to laugh at myself because I've chosen about 1000 favorites to be in consideration for the calendars - and then I have to cull those down to 12!

I took this photo from the sky on a day with low clouds partially obscuring the golden aspen groves.

This is a lake, far from any traveled path, that we love visiting every year. We mostly visit in autumn. I love having touchstone places in our life like this one.

This past autumn, I captured on of the most serious looking photos of R ever!

And I can't help but smile right back at Shyla when I look at this one.
These journeys through my photo collection remind me of what a good year we've had as a pack.


  1. Hari OM
    We are blessed to have the innovation called 'camera', that is for sure! YAM xx

  2. Beautiful. I love the contrast between R and Shyla! I don't think I have ever seen R looking so serious.

  3. I love all of those. That would be tough going through all the photos you take, and picking 12. You have so much good stuff.

  4. We are so lucky to peek into the life of R and Shyla.
    Each day when we visit here, you never fail so show
    us the beauty that is in nature.
    May 2018 be full of good adventures.
    Happy Crazy Love to you all.

    XO Astro

  5. You take the bestest photos, KB! I can't even begin to imagine choosing only 12!

  6. i think your calenda should all be R and Shyla... you certainly have thousands to choose from.. good luck with making you choice.

  7. Those are all beautiful pictures. Good luck cutting it down to the top 12.

  8. how to choose the top 12!!! The ones today are glorious, and each post, I am so thankful we "met" and you share with us all, the views, landscapes, doggie adventures, ups and downs, and now sky high pics of your beautiful part of the world.

  9. We love making our calendar every year, looking back at all the photos and remembering things we had forgotten all about. Great photos.

  10. Going back through photos does stimulate memories....

  11. Your photos are more than beautiful,,they are spectacular! You capture pure magic in your photos with each season. The autumn photos are magnificent! And R and Shyla,,,oh their spirits shine,, pure happiness and joy.
    I know what its like to have a thousand or 2 photos to pick from..! My little red broken, taped together camera has 600 of just Tweedles,,, We love your photos KB

  12. We bet you could easily make a calendar of the 365 day’s in a year and still have tons more awesome photos!!!

  13. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to narrow all your beautiful photos down to 12! What a fun way to review the year.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. I know what you mean about trying to select images to represent the year :)
    Thanks for sticking with Comptonia during the Laptop Rehab period! I've been trying to keep up with your blog via my TinyPhone, but when I wrote comments I don't think they posted. Now that I've got the laptop back, I hope to be in more normal communication - whew. Just know that I've been keeping R in my thoughts and I hope the recent cause for optimism is the beginning of more Good News :)

  15. Even better the second time around! Thanks for sharing a pawsome batch of photos.


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