Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Taking Flight with Joy

Yesterday's ultrasound showed that the masses (or "nodules", which sounds less scary) hadn't changed size by much. That makes it more likely that they are benign and less likely that they are malignant.

I must say that R seems fabulous right now. His kennel cough is gone, his elbow doesn't hurt, and he is FULL of energy. I took him out on the deck to do his PT exercise of crawling under a tunnel of chairs, forward and backwards, and he barked the entire time out of sheer joy. A neighbor who lives a mile away says that she knows when R is doing his chair exercise because she hears the joyful barks.

I've been going through all of my 2017 photos so I'll share a few of my favorites with this post. It's amazing how much leaping into lakes the Duo did this summer!

I find myself wondering, when will I ever internalize the lessons that R teaches us? Today is what matters. In fact, this instant is what really matters. He tells me that with each bark of joy.

I think that playing in water may be when his joyfulness shines through the most.

R must have written the Noosa lid sayings - I have another one that I love because it reminds me so much of R.
Heck, R pops the lid off daily with his exuberance!

He's taught his sister his lessons for living. She "lives life with the lid off" when we're out in the woods and mountains that she loves. Her brother is a huge source of confidence for her. She imitates his attitude a lot of the time.
The next step will be to take R to a specialist at CSU vet school in January but today's tests showed that we aren't dealing with a rapidly catastrophic situation. We may even be dealing with a couple of benign nodules!

Whew, we're happy about that. We can relax for the holidays. Thank you for all of your support!


  1. Hari OM
    We'll take all the sunrays we can, right?! will continue POTP - all to the good. YAM xx

    1. ...oh and I got curious... Noosa yoghurt does have roots in OZ! Yx

    2. I got curious too. I found out the same thing as you did. It has its roots in OZ but also has links to Colorado!

  2. I#m so glad you got no bad news... and I hope for good news too when you have your appointment in january... maybe that was one of the little christmas miracles? I hope it was...

  3. So glad things are looking better for R. That must be such a relief.

  4. this is such happy news. i can always see the sheer joy of life in both your babies.. i love the live life with the lid off and also agree but never thought of it, that dogs do live for the moment, they don't look back or forward and LIVE with joy. most of them do. i showed bob the slow moving mountain lion and he said his dad raised and trained hunting dogs, full size beagles and that is the way they sneak up on game when hunting, slow motion like your cat.

  5. That sounds like great news! I love the emotion illustrated in the flying leap photos.

  6. Happy for R & a relief for you all.

    xo Astro

  7. R and mom can you hear us clapping and squealing w/glee? What glorious news
    and oh do we agree with Noosa's saying and they taste Mom loves that DownUnder yogurt.
    Loving the photos and we 3 seniors are livin' and lovin' one day at a time too.
    I, Madi(son) D Cat am still eating and loving life and mom is inventing new ways to get my meds in me that do not require a choke hold and a vise on my jaws aka the dreaded pill popper
    Hugs and kitty kisses

  8. The very best present for Christmas you could ever have. R, the essential fun boy, shining and so happy, let it be that way forever. Now maybe you can relax and have fun with the duo, relax with the Runner, and let the drone delight us with morning sunrise colours. Hugs.XXX (I am so happy for you with that news.)

  9. I've been thinking about your boy, I'm glad the news looks hopeful!

  10. Such great news. I'm so happy to hear it. I hope you can all RELAX over the holidays. Glad to hear the coughing has improved as well. Whew!

  11. Such wonderful news! You totally make us smile, R!

  12. What wonderful news for now! Mom tries to live in the moment as we hounds do, but humans are not very good at that. Enjoy the holidays together.

  13. Great news. You can now relax and just enjoy the dogs and holidays...

  14. So, so very excited about the good news. We are opting to believe in benign!!! As we told you elsewhere, this was such a nice early Christmas present.

  15. Mom says B9 is the bestest thing so we have R gets a B9!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. That really is most wonderful news and we couldn't be happier, go R go!

  17. That's great news for R. We will keep our paws crossed for continued good news.

  18. That is great news. We are going to keep the prayers going Pocket has written something similiar for later in the week. Humans need to learn from dogs and live in the moment.

  19. I am ecstatic over this news, so I can only imagine how you feel! The very best Christmas present :)

  20. Great Great news!! We will keep our paws crossed for his Jan appt
    Hazel & Mabel

  21. We loved reading the good news. Crossing all paws that all further news will also be good!

  22. I'm so glad to hear this, so happy for you. I never noticed the advice on the yogurts, but I have one on my blog: "Live life like someone left the gate open." It has a picture of a dog flying through the air, much like R does. When will be ever learn, I wonder?

  23. If anyone deserves some happy news, its you, Runner and R Like Kathie, I am going with B-Nine
    and will just insist on it! Merriest Christmas to all, Jo

  24. Were happy along with you KB,,,, about the ultrasound for R... Our hearts lifted along with yours,,, and we will keep the POTP continuing!
    Yes,, living life with the lid off,,, is sooooo perfect!

  25. Yay!!!! We are SO happy to hear this news! Your wonderful photos really do say it all. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  26. This is good news! Deep breath of relief that this first test went well. We send all good thoughts for the January visit with the specialist, and are so glad that R is feeling well in all ways again.

    BTW, we were so impressed with R's backward crawl that we're teaching Obi to do it too. He's catching on fast, but he's not up to seven chairs yet!

  27. Sorry have been away and way behind catching up. Keeping my fingers crossed but this seems like very good news. Air it out, R!

  28. So pleased to read about the results from R's scan and to hear he is in full form.

    Shyla has a smile on her face in that last shot :)



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