Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 2, 2017

A Year in Photos and an Update

Today was an "R Day", filled with phone calls and vet scheduling. I'm exhausted so I thought that I'd share a few of my favorite photos of R from the first half of 2017. I'm working on my 2018 Calendar so I've been sifting through my photos from the past year, choosing the ones for the calendar.

I love this one. R was out with me for a snow bike ride at sunrise. His fur was so shiny, his eyes so brown, and his energy palpable. I think that this one will end up in my Labraduo Calendar.
It's so hard to believe that anything could have been going awry inside such a healthy looking dog!

This next one was during the phase when Shyla was not able to bike with me because she had just started taking phenobarbital for her epilepsy. The Runner kindly loaned me our black dog for some canine companionship some mornings during Shyla's rest phase. Those were fun outings for me and R.

When springtime finally rolled around, I took R out in the nearby vast fields of golden flowers to see him play in them. His style was full-speed-ahead, as usual!
Seeing these photos, it's incredibly hard to believe that I spent my day researching his possible cancers and scheduling appointments for him.

Today I learned more about the "odds" for his masses in his abdomen. The first big worry is one on his right adrenal gland. I used my hard-earned knowledge of the CSU system to get R an appointment for less than 2 weeks from now. Without my insider's knowledge of how their system works, we were going to have to wait until mid-January for an appointment. And, that was despite the fact that it's considered to be a very "time sensitive" cancer.

I'm told that the odds are about 33% that his adrenal gland mass is "no big deal", about 33% that it's a cancer that surgery can help, and about 33% that its a fast-moving inevitably fatal cancer.

We have decided to deal with the adrenal gland tumor first. If he is lucky enough that it's either "no big deal" or operable, then we'll deal with the mass on his spleen.

As you can probably tell, it's a complicated situation. Our family vet did an amazing job of talking me through all the possible paths and helping us to choose one. She's such a good vet - I feel so lucky that we've had her as our vet for almost two decades! I feel better this evening, despite the fear deep in my belly, that we at least have a plan.

Let's end with a funny photo that has reached Shyla's list of finalist photos for her calendar.
Even I had to giggle when I opened up that photo today. What expressive eyes Shyla has!


  1. I am so sorry you have to yet again deal with a serious health issue. Hoping for the best.

    1. Thank you, Taryn. The only bright side is that I've learned how to work the system, especially at our world renowned Veterinary School (Colorado State University). That helps a little.

  2. What a relief to at least have a plan and an earlier Vet appointment. I am like you, I Google the crud out of possible things that could be wrong and potential outcomes. It makes me feel a little more educated so I don’t feel so sucker punched later on. Praying for the best.

    1. I think that people fall into two camps - people like us who feel better when they know the whole truth even if it's bad and people who prefer not to know bad possibilities. I respect both but who do what's needed to help their pet.

  3. I hope it's the good 33%, and I'm so glad you got in quickly.

  4. so glad you ended with the photo that made me smile, my heart hurts for all of you and for R... prayers that it will be no big deal. all of these photos of your beautiful black dog made me feel good..

  5. Hari OM
    Okay, I'm focusing my POTP on the +ve third!!! fabulous fotos and I LOVE the third one of R... YAM xx

  6. We've got our paws crossed for you and your sweet boy.

  7. I am one of the " Tell it to me straight" and like to know all the facts. R looks so well, shining and his eyes tell so much. And then there is Shyla, her last photo is one of the best.And the earlier appointment, well done, and knowing how systems work, having a vet who you trust, is so valuable, And with one more day until the pigeon goes to the rescue lady, he will wing up some more love and caring thoughts.XXX

  8. We are sending every god wish that it does turn out to be harmless or manageable.

  9. We're glad you were able to snag the earlier appointment. Love the photos of your babies, KB♥

  10. I'm so sorry to read this and I read back across all the posts I missed because I have been so darned sick with this cold from hell. As you said somewhere in here, things can happen so fast with our dogs. Last I know he was in Black dog Sunday, now he maybe seriously ill. I'm glad you managed to get that appointment. I and I will think of R and of you, your husband and Shyla. And not miss any more updates.

  11. Shyla's photo is funny for sure! We are crossing paws that R's mass is not the one to worry about. We're glad you got an earlier appointment since the unknowing part is such an emotional and mental stress!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. Oh, I forgot: Shyla has the most incredible expressions. So funny, so bright, always makes me smile.

  13. We will keep all paws crossed for R. I am like you - I feel better when I know what is going on and to have a plan. The photos are all wonderful!
    Hazel & Mabel

  14. We love the look in Shyla's eyes in that last picture. Our paws are crossed for R and his journey forward.

  15. We'll keep our fingers and paws crossed. Glad you could get an earlier appointment. Waiting seems to be one of the worst things. We think that last photo should be for a typically stressful month, so you can smile a lot.

  16. KB, I'm so sorry to hear about the potential issue with R, will keep him lifted up that it isn't the worst case scenario. Love the photo of Shyla-what a goof. I too wonder if dogs know much earlier than we do about cancers, either if others, their humans or in themselves.
    Hope your back PT is going o.k.

  17. Oh, that silly Shyla, always sure to bring a smile! Cancer can be so insidious...there were so many times throughout Sheba's ordeal that you would never have even known she was sick.
    It sounds to me like you have a sound plan in place...which is all you can do right now, other than hoping and praying (if you pray). We will keep you and R in our thoughts.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. Oh boys. Wells, it does sound like you have a plan, and if you're like Ma, that is HUUUUGE! I will be sendin' lots of POTP R's way, and lots of margaritas, um, {{{hugs}}} for ya'll.
    I just loves all those photos, butts that one with Shyla is hilarious!!!
    Ruby ♥

  19. We wish you had better news. R is on our mind a lot. We are praying for him and for you. You are doing an excellent job taking care of him as always

  20. I'm so sorry to read about R's tumors. :(

  21. Keeping you all in my thoughts :)

  22. I am so sorry are having to deal with health issues again so soon. We have everything crossed here for a positive outcome. Big hugs from us.
    Kiersten and the doggies

  23. I hope you get the best possible news about R. He does look so healthy and happy. Both of your dogs have so much personality and each of these photos is a keeper.

  24. Two things R has going for him, 100% love and you!

  25. Your 2018 calendar is going to be amazing!!! We think we are going to go with the 33 + 33 % good odds and hope for the best for R. You know we will have you and him held deeply in our hearts as you go through this difficult time.

  26. I have doted on R. since his doofus days and everything you did with him was such fun to see. Especially his delight when you had him working out after his surgery. My heartfelt prayers are for the boy asking for a complete recovery from these masses. And you are in them too, for strength to manage it all. Love and best wishes, Jo

  27. Good job KB.. on getting a soon appointment, Its bad enough to wait 2 weeks,, let alone 3 or a month! The sooner the better R gets help. that is what we want!
    I know how you feel... and hard to get your mind off of what is going on,, or may be going on...
    Were in this together,,,, Send healing magic bubbles to R.. and POTP
    We understand how you feel.. You dont have to pretend,,,
    The smile from Shyla is awsome!

  28. I have not been around much KB but I am so sorry to hear about R. Sending lots of POTP that all will turn out well. That photo of Shyla is so funny!

  29. I hope that the calendar project is giving you a little bit of light as you're managing R's care.


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