Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Sunset and Silhouettes on Sunday

We've had wind almost every day for the last month. I'm lucky because it doesn't drive me insane like it seems to do to some others.

The upside to it is the clouds. Wow!
As soon as I see a cloud like that one forming, I start to think about where there's a boulder to do some silhouette photos with the cloud as the background.

Shyla is my trusty model. She is great at climbing up on boulders and can be trusted not to leap down unexpectedly. She even strikes beautiful poses!

This was such a deep orange cloud!

The boulder that Shyla posed on was one that I call "Coyote Rock". One time, as we hiked up toward it, I spotted three coyotes standing on top of it surveying the meadow around them. It was an incredible site. It's fun seeing Shyla in the same spot.

There is a panoramic view from that spot, and Shyla swivels her head to take it all in.

Of course, she is a nosework dog, and her nose rules.

A hundred photos later, the sky started to fade toward dusk. Look at the gradation from blue, to purple, to orange behind Shyla.

It was time to start toward home so it wouldn't be too dark for our walk. The parting sight of the sky was awe-inspiring.
I'll take the wind with a smile if it brings sky views like this one!


  1. Hari OM
    Hard to pick, but I do believe the third Shyla pose is my fave... and these remind me the sorts of clouds we used to get in Australia. We do get some amazing clouds here in Scotland, but rarely as dramatic! Blessed Advent to you all. YAM xx

  2. she looks so happy looking out over here stunning kingdom... perfect silhouettes in all of these. I am thinking at night the coyotes climb on that same rock and howl at the moon

  3. Piper is a sighthound, but often takes the "nose pose"- one of my favorites :)
    And "a hundred photos later" rings a bell with me, too. Nearly every time I pick up a camera, it seems. Life used to be very different when it was film and I was going to be spending hours developing and printing!

  4. Silhouettes and sunsets...just go hand in hand.

  5. Gorgeous photos and yes, you are a supermodel, Shyla!

  6. Beautiful, and at the click of a shutter, photos are there, another click and loaded onto your computer, I click and see the gorgeous sky colours from so far away.When they were felling the huge pine trees across the stream, I set my camera to "fast shutter" mode, in case I missed that magic moment as the tree fell, your clouds in the wind are that magic moment too.

  7. All of our paws are crossed for R and the rest of the pack. Sending Rottie kisses...

  8. What great photos! But mom is not a fan of wind (unless it's 75 degrees out).

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. Gorgeous! The wind usually brings dust here.

  10. These photos are gorgeous, KB! We've also had a lot of wind. I have to keep off the forest trails when it gets too gusty. We've had some big lodgepoles come down.

  11. How are your clouds and sky always so beautiful? We see to have nothing but gray, boring clouds here lately. No sun, no pretty colors! I'm jealous, if you can't tell :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. EVery single one of these shots is beautiful!!! We were just speculating here that you, your camera, and your drone may be out moon watching tonight:)

  13. You should do a photo book of your amazing pictures to share your love of nature and dogs

  14. OMD, how BEAUTIFULS! ahhhh
    Ruby ♥♥

  15. Wow....the colors, especially in the last shot were ALMOST as beautiful as your model ;-).

  16. your photos are breathtaking... I love it and I love this wonderful place...

  17. The photos are breathtakingly beautiful!


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