Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Last Silly Saturday of 2017

As I looked through the past year's photos, I ran across my "silly series". These were photos of Shyla as she tried to snarf treats.

I hope that they make you giggle like they did for me!

She snarfed that last one with authority!


  1. What great shots. Shyla sure is enthusiastic while catching those treats.

  2. She is so focused!! Those eyes!. Hard to believe we are at the end of yet another year.

  3. I am helping a friend who wrote 3 children's books, so that is in my mind. when i saw these, i thought they would be perfect illustrations in a child's story book

    1. That would be fun! I have a friend who writes children's books too... but mostly about wildlife. She's an artist and wildlife lover.

  4. Love your stop action photos! Here's to loads of more smiles in 2018. Happy New Year.

  5. The best snarf of all, Have a super New Year, hope the snow is as deep as you like, days are not too cold, not too hot, not too windy ( for the drone naturally) and all is well at your home , Shyla, you end 2017 with a huge smile,and I know we will see more laughter in 2018.

    1. Thank you! Actually, I haven't been able to fly my drone in 2 weeks. We've been having non-stop high winds. Really high winds like 85 mph with gusts over 140 mph. No drone can handle that! I am patiently waiting for the winds to calm! Happy New Year to you, my friend.

  6. Shyla/Charlotte yes we did lol/mol. Mom said to tell you your mom has some SERIOUS camera skills to be able to take such great action shots! I hope your mom had fun 'playing' on her tea date.
    Woo Hoo
    Happy New Year's Eve Madi/Mafia oh and Mom forgot that sometimes my name comes out a Maid.

  7. Love that first one! Cracked me up! Have a good one!

  8. You are a silly girl, Shyla! Thank you for the smiles☺

  9. Hard to find a favorite with those great silly shots, but we do like that ear up one a lot.

  10. Love these fun action shots!
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. THANKS for the chuckle! You really do take the best "fun action shots!!!"

  12. Happy New Year! I loved these funny Shyla shots - they brightened my morning!

  13. Such focus and determination, along with a little bit of derpy. Love silly Shyla shots. Hope 2018 is good to you (and with a lot less wind).

  14. Shots of Shyla snarfing are some of my favorites! :)

  15. Your photography and Shyla are just pure pleasure to view.


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