Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Last Silhouette Sunday of 2017

Silhouettes of dogs against gorgeous skies combine two of my favorite things: dogs and nature.

I have certain favorite boulders for taking silhouette photos, depending on where the colorful part of the sky is. Shyla is so used to being my model that I simply point to the boulder, and she climbs into position. Then she patiently waits while I take photos from every angle and even wait for the sunset colors to morph toward twilight. She's amazing!
I really thought that we'd never reach this kind of relationship when I first met Shyla. In most ways, she's become the perfect companion for my photography and mountain biking. She's so patient with me during the photography, and I sometimes need to be patient with her during the mountain biking.

It's give and take, from both sides. I love my girl.


  1. i love your girl to and your boy and your photos. happy new year

  2. Hari OM
    Lovely. Sending hugs for Hogmanay! YAM xx

  3. Your hard work with her is evident. Have a happy New Year!

  4. Happy 2018! May your skies always uplift you!

  5. Happy New Year KB! All the best to you in 2018!

  6. We love her too:) We have to say you saved the best for last in 2017!!! Sending you lots and lots of wishes for a good year in all respects in 2018!!!

  7. Patiently waits...that in itself is quite a feat! Happy New Year!

  8. You two are so special together.
    Happy New Year!
    Hazel & Mabel

  9. Happy New Year Friends.
    Looking forward to all the
    adventures of Shyla and R.
    and the drone too.
    xo Astro

  10. Such beautiful silhouettes! Happy New Year from all of us.

  11. Thank you for the most beautiful silhouettes I have seen

  12. OMD, I loooooves your silhouettes too! It's hard to pick a favorite! I hopes you guys have a most amazin' 2018, and I am wishin' nothin' butts the bestest!!!! ♥♥
    Ruby ♥

  13. Such a gorgeous silhouette! Hope yours was a lovely New Years.

  14. The two of you together are an amazing team! ♥


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