Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 1, 2018

Welcome 2018

The Labraduo is ready to leap into the new year.

In terms of the Duo's health, Shyla has been seizure-free since she started phenobarbital in March. That is something to celebrate!

As for R, I feel a warm calm about him because he seems to be feeling so good. We will get more information in the coming week. His health will help shape our plans for the first half of 2018. We stopped making plans when we found out about his adrenal and splenic masses because he may need treatment. Our Labraduo's well-being comes first - that's the promise that we make to each of them when they join our family.
We wish you all a happy and healthy 2018. While we all love to say that phrase, the truth is that there will be highs and lows for each of us. I hope that you and I can weather those peaks and valleys with grace.

Most of all, thank you to each of you for supporting and reading my blog. As of January 1, it's been nine full years that I've been posting in this space. When I timidly wrote my first post, I had no idea what I was launching myself into. It's been far better than I ever expected, due to the many people who I've "met" through this blog. I am grateful to all of you!


  1. Happy New Year.

    Happy Crazy Love coming here for each post.

  2. Happy 8th Blogaversary and Happy New Year! We wish you all our very best♥

  3. Hari OM
    Congrats and wishes for another year of very fine blogging and that health is indeed yours (and the puspsters!) YAM xx

  4. spectacular shot of the duo leaping out of the page into my arms. i hope the new year brings good health for all 4 of you.. keep on blogging, you are my eyes into the wildlife in nature.

  5. Dear KB and Labraduo...love that term. Happy New Year to your entire family.
    Amen to out furbabes health first and foremost. A mom is as happy as her babes!!
    We love their photos today...they appear to move as one! Your photography inspires me.
    Hugs madi and Cecilia

  6. Happy New Year from all of us at Brian's Home!

  7. Love that duo! Thank you for brightening my days with your lovely photos and words. Wishing you and yours everything wonderful in the New Year :)

  8. Love those two together. So many of us starting blogging about the same time.

  9. Happy New Year to all of you. We hope you have a great year.

  10. What a perfect photo for the occasion! We sure hope things keep going well with both of their health! Happy New Year!

  11. Togetherness, love and happiness in each face. For you, I hope 2018 is a year we share with happiness, the ability to face whatever is ahead with courage, and another year of sharing your beautiful part of the world with us.

  12. A very happy 8 year Blogiversary!! We hope this year brings more wonderful wildlife experiences and labraduo fun!
    Wishing you peace, love and happiness in 2018!

  13. I just realized that I counted wrong, and it's actually our 9th anniversary of blogging. How time flies when you're having fun!

  14. We are grateful for you. Wishing you more ups then downs this year.

  15. We hope R's results are good! May 2018 be kind to you!

  16. Happy New Year to all of you! We want the best year ever for you!
    Thank you for sharing you lives and world with us

  17. Happy New Year to you - and the Labraduo!!!
    Praying for R. Please keep me posted!

  18. We hope they both stay healthy!! Happy New Year! May 2018 be the best year yet!

    Stay Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  19. We truly echo your sentiments about the joy and friendship that blogging has brought to us as well. All the best to R, Shyla, you, and the Runner in 2018!!!

    *°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
    ╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★
    ║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
    ║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ NEW YEAR ☆
    ╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ♥¥☆★☆★☆¥♥ ★☆❤♫❤♫❤
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  20. Happy New Year to you and your family from the three of us in the canyon. I'm so happy to be back in your world again, you have a great blog, great skills with the camera, and, of course, the best photo subjects ever.

  21. Happy New Year to you and the Duo.

    So glad we "met."

    We will be closely tuned in as R takes his next challenge with lots and lots of prayers.

    From our paws to yours, thank you.

  22. Happy New Year. Wising the best of health of you, your husand and the duo

  23. Love these pictures!
    Happy New Year to you and yours, KB :)

  24. All the best to you for 2018 as well - May we BOTH have peace, strength and determination to make it through the challenges that are to come, both with us, and our pups.

    Here's to another year of blogging and friendship!! Cheers!!!

  25. Oh, you knows we loves you too! We loves seein' all your photos and your adventures and your DUO!
    I will be sendin' lots and lots of AireZens to you guys, and I just knows whatever you do, it will be the bestest thing. {{{hugs}}}}
    Ruby ♥

  26. Wishing you a safe and furbulous 2018. Oodles of poodles healing thoughts for your handsome boy.

  27. I didn't know you'd been blogging that long - congratulations on that!
    Happy New Year. We will hope those highs can get us all through the lows! And of course we're hoping for the best for R.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  28. I hope that all our highs out number the lows for 2018.



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