Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 12, 2018

A Snow Dusting

We finally got a little bit of snow last night, making everyone feel like our world is more normal. I took this photo yesterday at sunrise which shows the dry state of the forest below the Continental Divide. You can also see the pinkish alpenglow on the mountains.

Yesterday, the clouds finally started building, and we got our first snow in quite a while last night. It was less than an inch but every little bit helps. The pre-storm clouds over the Divide are behind Shyla in this photo.

We awakened this morning to that dusting of snow, and we headed out into "cold" air (20°F) for the first time in ages. My body has lost what little cold adaptation it had achieved early in the winter so I felt chilled during our entire time in the forest. This photo of my bike tracks shows what a silly little dusting of snow it was.

My fingers froze while I took photos of Shyla in the sunrise light.

No matter how cold it is, the sunrise light is such a wondrous sight to me. It literally is the motivation for me to get outside early in the winter.

I'm hoping that this little gust of winter weather is a harbinger of more to come. We rely on the snowpack here as the major source of water for all living things, both plant and animal. Please do a snow dance for us! We really need it.

Happy Friday!


  1. Hari OM
    I can handle the dry cold; it is the nasty damp stuff we get here in the Bonny Land which does me in. Still, I's still breathing each day, so let's look at the positives, eh?! Waking up to my blogpals and their wonderful images keeps it bright. YAM xx

  2. it#s true with some sunrays the cold is no longer the same... we have fog so the cold is double cold :O)

  3. Wow - your sunrise is just breathtaking! We will definitely snow dance for you!

  4. Shyla you always look glorious but you in sunrise is breathtaking. We title your pic Shyla at Sunrise.
    Bravo to your mom that first photo is Nat. Geo worthy
    Hugs madi and mom

  5. It's been such a weird winter, hardly no snow anywhere in the west.

  6. We'll do a snow dance for you too but you must keep the snow there!

  7. 20F equals -6C, quite cold!! Let that snow fall, is there ample for the skiers elsewhere? I thought by now you would have a deep cover even down low.

  8. Aw, you got a bit of snow. None here. Taking out my cart again today for some training. That trail you were riding does look scrumptious.

  9. The sunrise light is so beautiful! I'm glad you got a little bit of snow anyway. Ironically, we are in the 50's and raining today. It's washing away all our snow, and we're not happy about that! Hopefully we have enough that there will still be some left when this is done.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. You excel at showing your part of the world - and all creatures therein - at their very best! I just love that first shot!

  11. Sounds like you are having the same snow drought we are. Such a bummer!

  12. We haven't had much snow either but that is Ok with us as long as the mountains get snow
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. Hoping that some of the rain that is moving through the PacNorthwest heads your way!!

  14. The first image is simply fantastic! But the photos of your beautiful dog in that warm morning light are those that captured my heart.

  15. It's really beautiful, and despite those chilly temps, I cannot think of a better way, or better company to enjoy it with!

    I hope your snow comes - I hope ours does too!

  16. I love those pictures of Shyla in that beautiful morning light.

  17. Dancing like a fool and hoping tomorrows forecast provides some white stuff for us down the hill from you. 💃🏼


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