Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Thankful Thursday - We All Shine On...

Whenever I'm feeling thankful, a certain set of lyrics plays in my head. I'm not certain why this particular set of lyrics becomes an ear worm... except that I love the beauty of our world.

Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
 John Lennon (Instant Karma)

We have a lot to be thankful for this week so those lyrics have been circling through my brain all the time! I decided to show you "the moon and the stars and the sun" in today's Thankful Thursday post.

This was the full moon rising during wildfire season. The smoky air turned it magenta.

And these were the stars during a recent trip when there was no moon. A meteorite seemed to shoot out of the Milky Way.

And finally, here is the sun taken from the sky this morning.
This sunrise also was gorgeous, to my eye! And, it mostly fit the Dogwood Challenge this week. That weekly challenge asked for complementary colors on the color wheel, and it focused on composition. I wanted to do all my Dogwood challenges using nature as my subject. The problem is that there isn't much color outdoors at this time year except in the sky.

This sunrise photo gave me the yellowish sun as it crested the eastern horizon and the complementary blue sky (the pink clouds are just a bonus). I positioned the sun at one of the key points in a photo in terms of composition. It's at the crosshairs described by the Rule of Thirds for photography.

Why are we so thankful this week? Of course, we live a life that lets us see the glorious beauty of nature. Moreover, this week in particular, we are celebrating the good health of our black dog and our Shyla. R doesn't have cancer, and Shyla's seizures are under control!
We are so thankful!


  1. that showing of all your stars makes me feel thankful. we can't see ours like you can. to bright all night from city lights. all your photos are lots to be thankful for. I get ear worms to and sometimes have to ask hubby to give me his to stop mine

  2. The sunrise is gorgeous. The next full moon this month is supposed to be a good one, super moon and lunar eclipse.

  3. Hari OM
    The skies above the Hutch are so often blanketed by cloud, that to see your clear skies gives me a thrill. It is something I miss from being in OZ, where I had a telescope and used it often! Yet I cannot be ungrateful, for I too get beautiful sunrises and sunsets and hills in silhouette... YAM xx

  4. You do have a lot to be thankful for and I know you are giving thanks everyday for the wonderful news you recieved. Thank you again for sharing, and appreciting, the beauty you see everyday.

  5. That is a lot to be thankful for this week.

  6. What a breathtaking photo of the moon. WOW you should charge admission to look at each and every photo.
    Love the Milky-Way (that was our first cat's name). And most of all we love healthy happy loving pups and their photos
    Hugs madi and mom

  7. That is a lot to be thankful for. What glorious pictures!

  8. Truly it is a privilege to live where Mother Nature is so gracious sharing her beauty.

  9. That's a great song to go along with your beautiful photos. Every time we visit you outdo yourself:)

    We are overjoyed for you, Shyla, and R.

  10. Gorgeous dog and nature photos. You really do have something to be thankful for right now!

  11. Such beautiful pictures and those are great things to be thankful for.

  12. Stunning photos and the best reasons to be thankful ever! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. Wonderful reasons to be thankful!!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  14. So many things to be thankful for!!!
    Such good news for R !
    Those photos,,,, including that moon,, are spectacular!

  15. A lot to be thankful for indeed! So happy for you!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. Here in New Zealand we get Orion upside down but FABulous views the MIlky Way. We loved your pictures.


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