Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Wordless Wednesday - Sunshine

My friend Mary, from Tales from the Back Road, recently taught me a key step in processing my photos. Finally, the colors on my screen look like what I thought that I was photographing at the time! Thank you, Mary!

Sunrise, with my girl...

The sun shining through a dried wildflower...
There's still beauty out there, even though our world feels dry and needs snow!

Thank you for all of the celebratory comments yesterday. It's so wonderful knowing that our Black Dog is as healthy as he looks! And, he's celebrating because the vets said to feed him more calories!


  1. A nice reminder to look for beauty everywhere! I'm so happy R is healthy! Ruby and I are celebrating with you.

  2. So what was that key step? Do you have to have photoshop or lightroom?

    1. Hi Taryn - I have lightroom. Check out the link to Mary's blog. It involves resetting the "color profile" to "camera standard". LR defaults to "Adobe colors". Mary shows where on the screen you change it in the post that I linked plus in an earlier post on "clicking and creating".

    2. I forgot - I believe that this issue is specific to files saved as "raw" in your camera and importing them into Lightroom. I don't know if other programs have the same issue of using the wrong color profile unless you specify it.

  3. your photos are always beautiful on my screen. i do love it when someone teaches me something new. i don't do raw or lightroom..

  4. Shyla looks great! I like the sun coming through the dried flower. And I'm so glad I could help.

  5. Your photos are always the most beautiful!

  6. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh we agree with Brian your photos are always breathtaking. However, learning something new is exciting
    I have a vet appointment on Friday for senior blood panels. I sure do hope my Vet tells mom to give me more calories.
    Hugs Madi and mom

  7. You look so warm and beautiful in your sunshine, Shyla! Your photos always look perfect to us, KB!

  8. Your colors always look amazing to me! These photos are so very beautiful!

  9. Hari OM
    My main problem is that the 'Fudge' is aging and the photos are just not as sharp as they once were. Each is as individual as the owner! YAM xx

  10. That's great, our little camera mutes the colours..

  11. More food/calories...I think that's called Nirvana in dog. Hope you'll share your friend's words of wisdom on getting true photo colors.

  12. Your photos are always beyond beautiful in our view. We think you are a spectacular photographer and editor. That sun through the dried wallflower shot is amazing.

    You go, R - you can have all the food you want!!!

  13. Getting good health news makes one appreciate everything so much more in life after such a scare! We love Mary and her advice. My photographer is working up the courage to try lightroom and is saving all of Mary's tips.

  14. We always love your photos!! What a great way for R to celebrate - with more food!!!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. I didn't think it was possible for your pictures to become prettier

  16. Such beautiful,,beautiful photos! Your photos are like magic!


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