Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 21, 2018

A Spirit-Lifting Sunrise!

Yesterday morning, I saw that wonderful orange glow to the east out our windows, and I knew that it would be a good sunrise. My mood really needed a lift, and the sunrise did it for me.

Before the sun fully rose, I spun my drone around to view the Continental Divide. I will never tire of this view.

I kept the drone high aloft until the sun peeked over the eastern horizon.

I compiled a video with views from from different times within the sunrise. You can watch it here or at Youtube.

If you enjoy my videos, I'd be incredibly grateful if you'd click on the Youtube link for this video and hit the big red button that says "subscribe" just below the video.  Your subscription will help my channel keep perks that only highly subscribed channels get. Thank you!


  1. Hari OM
    Beautiful as always 'KB'... and just as your world shows signs of turning colourful, ours is a total white out today! Stay warm. YAM xx

    1. Ours is a white out today too! That sunrise was yesterday!

  2. you now have one more subscriber... and this is the only way i will ever see the continental divide.

  3. KB, that was absolutely stunning; it lifted my mood, too :)

  4. Amazing! I love the purples. Went and subscribed.

  5. The colors are just incredible! We are off to YouTube to click on the big red button.

  6. I clicked on the red too!! This is so beautiful, and so many thanks for your sharing your part of the world with us. Quilt colours galore out there.

  7. Beautiful video of a beautiful sunrise. And a new subscriber. 😍

  8. I can certainly understand how your view lifts your spirits, and how you could never ever grow tired of seeing it. It is truly a view of how magnificent and beautiful your part of the world is!

  9. You truly do live in God's country. Thank you for sharing it with us

  10. I enjoy your beautiful skies so much...everything seems so dull and dreary here lately. We're lucky if we get to see some blue sky it seems!
    I just went and subscribed to your channel.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Ohhhhhh,, this sunrise is so beautiful! The colors, are incredible..

    Thank you KB,, and the beautiful music,, is so perfect!


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