Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 22, 2018

Precious and Fragile Life

Hi Everyone. There will be no real post from me today. My father had a heart attack yesterday. Fortunately, he got fast and good treatment. Consequently, he's stable and in good spirits.

Yesterday, I posted photos and videos of a beautiful sunrise. If you haven't checked out that post, please do. I am appreciating each moment of life as much as I can. I know that I'm lucky that I get to live to see another sunrise with my Dad on this Earth.
Life is precious and fragile. Let's all make the most of this day.

As you may imagine, I'm not sure what each day will bring as we move forward from what happened yesterday. Please don't worry if I go silent for a little while.


  1. Hari OM
    Focus where you need to - it's important! Sending some POTP your father's way... YAM xx

  2. Your dad will be in our thoughts and prayers, KB.

  3. A sentient sentiment...take your time, we'll wait.

  4. Sending every good wish that your father recovers quickly. And that you are able to manage the stress of having someone you love in the hospital.

  5. Oh how we do 2nd and 3rd your words. We must seize the day for all it is worth.
    Sending lots of purrs and hugs to you and your precious daddy as he recovers and you tend him
    Madi and mom

  6. We are very sorry that your dad had a heart attack and we hope he fully recovers.

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. Beautiful sunrise. Glad you have another day with your dad.

    Seize the day. You and K taught me that. <3

  8. We are at least glad to hear your Dad is stable right now. We'll be thinking of you and your family and sending healing wishes for your Dad.
    Each day is truly to be cherished. ♥
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Prayers to you Dad from all of us here and lots of gentle hugs for you.

  10. Lots and lots of prayers for your Dad and gentle hugs for you. We are glad he was able to get good treatment so quickly.

  11. My prayers to your Dad for a quick complete recovery. And a big hug for you.

  12. dear KB, I send love, care, and prayers for you and your Dad. I hope they can give all the treatment needed, and he makes a full recovery. Life changes in a flash, we cannot see what the future holds for any one of us, sunrise and sunset each day, those sky colours, let them be with you right now.XXXX

  13. We have our paws crossed for your dad and hope he gets better soon. You never really know what each day brings.

  14. Hoping for a speedy recovery for your father!

  15. Take care, KB. Will be thinking of you all.

  16. Sending POTP for your Dad.
    xo Astro

  17. KB,, Were so sorry to hear that your dad had a heart attack.. We send tons and tons of healing thoughts for him.. and POTP!

  18. You are all so wonderful. I just got back from seeing him, and he's recovering much better than I expected. He's still in ICU but should be out of that unit tomorrow. Thank you!

  19. Sending positive thoughts and big virtual hugs your way.

  20. Sending your father lots of power of the paw for a quick recovery. From Milo , Jet & Arli

  21. Hugs to you and all our best wishes for your father.... we send lots of love and potp...

  22. Sending lots of POTP for your Dad as he recovers...so glad to hear that he is doing well! I went through that with my Dad and it is so difficult. Sending hugs to you!

  23. Prayers for your dad and for you and family. My hubby has survived 3 heart attacks, 2 stints and 1 open heart by pass surgery. the first was in 2002 and each time he got better and better after treatment. the last heart surgery was 2007 and then last year he had blocked arteries surgery and a stroke. he is 81 and today is just like he used to be... My prayer for your dad is that he will come back strong from this Just like Bob did. I do understand the stress on your part completley

  24. Keeping your family in my thoughts and hoping for the very best. Hugs from me and my crew...

  25. Sending lots of pug prayers and POTP for your dad
    Hazel & Mabel

  26. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, but happy he got treatment in time. They can do so much with heart issues these days. Spend time with him. We will all be here when you come back.

  27. Oh KB.... I am so sorry to hear this about your father :( My dad passed away a few months ago so when I hear things like this, my heart hurts. I sure miss my dad :( I will be praying for your dad, for continued healing. God is in control, this much I know for sure.

    with love,
    Diane and Indy :)

  28. Wishing all the best for your dad.


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