Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Recent Snow Memories on Saturday

As I've mentioned, I'm doing the Dogwood weekly photo challenge. This week was "creative" and the cue was "peaceful". With all that happened, I'm afraid that I didn't have time to get terribly creative. However, it is a common peaceful pose that Shyla likes, with her chin resting on the soft snow while she gazes at the world.

That was one of our most beautiful winter days yet - the day after the snowstorm. It was super cold so Shyla kept getting a frosty muzzle.

I love when the boulders all have pillows of snow on them.

The snow also stuck to all the trees, creating a true winter wonderland.
My heart loves winter more when it's held out on us for so long. I hope that this storm is the start of a whole series of them that bring us lots of snow.


  1. Shyla really loves the snow and it shows. I can't imagine putting my chin in the snow but i can tell she loves it....

  2. Looks like Shyla is having a fantastic time enjoying the snow :) Milo,Jet and Arli

  3. Hari OM
    Proper snow is worth the having. We don't get that here, sadly. These are fabulous shots of Shyla. YAM xx

  4. There's still some snow here, but the ice is everywhere. It's cleats-on/cleats-off all day long now that I'm down to one pair of boots. Sorry I've been out of touch this week, but I've been thinking of you and yours every day.

  5. Resting on that boulder, a winner of a photo!!!

  6. Some truly furbulous photos of Miss Shyla. Yes, let's hope this recent storm is just the beginning of many more to come this season. Happy weekend.

  7. You look like you're happily skipping through the snow in that last photo, Shyla!

  8. SO BEAUTIFUL! That last one just exudes "peaceful" to us!!!
    Cam and Mags

  9. It is beautiful but we are happy to send you our snow.

  10. The snow makes us think of soft white cotton. Beautiful photos.

  11. They are beautiful and perfect photos for today!

  12. Hope you get more snow! You make it look so beautiful
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. It looks so beautiful, and Shyla is certainly enjoying it. We are really missing our snow right now!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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