Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunrise Sunday

One recent morning, I awakened early, hoping for beautiful sunrise light for photographing Shyla. I had a quick change in plans when I gazed eastward and saw clouds lighting up in dramatic colors. From our house, I can barely see the colors filtered through the trees, which is why my drone is so wonderful for sunrises.

As soon as it got above our trees, I knew that it would be a stupendous sunrise.

I surveyed the different directions, and the colors awed me in all directions.

The Continental Divide...
In the winter, I usually get a "strong wind warning" at about this point so I stop taking footage and land. On this morning, the air was completely calm so I could go up a little higher to take in more views.

To the east... you can see the bright spot where the sun will rise.

More northeast...

The Continental Divide... our constant guardian and source of the usual winds.

Then, the sun crested the distant horizon, and it was time to land. I know that the wind usually starts blowing right after sunrise. It's not worth the risk of staying aloft.
If you feel like seeing more footage, I made a one minute video (Youtube link) surveying the world around us early and late in the sunrise.
Happy Sunrise Sunday!


  1. Hari OM
    There are some who might say that looks like bacon and eggs... Just as some of our sunsets are like peach melba. YAM xx

  2. Oh my goodness! It is just breathtaking!

  3. Beautiful morning colors. You are increasing my already huge desire for a drone.

  4. awesome and i think my favorite is the last still shot before the video. amazing colors

  5. Such beautiful sunrise. I love the 360 views.

  6. Stupendous indeed. Goodness...we live in an amazing state, don't we?

  7. It's so beautiful! It's amazing how colorful the western skies are on a regular basis!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. That is simply stunning! ALL of the photos! And the vid. The colors are a joy to see!

  9. Of course we like to see all the beauty KB ! WOW, so beautiful

  10. Such gorgeous colors! My hubby has a drone but hasn't really figured it out yet. I'm going to have to get him going on that!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Oh my goodness, those are just the most beautiful skies ever!!!

  12. Your photos really are beautiful, but I know to see it in person, it's much more breathtaking. What a way to start your day.

  13. Wow that was totally stunning.

  14. What wonderful colors over the snow covered mountains!


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