Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Wishes Come True

Yesterday, I saw a silhouette photo of Shyla that I'd taken exactly a year ago. I thought to myself, "I just wish for one semi-normal day when I could take the Labraduo for a sunset walk, and we'd actually see a beautiful sunset". That wish was based on the fact that we've rarely been home at sunset recently, and when we have been, the world has been a drab gray.

Much to my delight,  I got exactly what I'd wished for last evening. I took a ton of photos but I'll share just one today.
In the bigger picture, my dad is recovering from his heart attack (another wish come true - a much more important one!). I'm hoping that the overwhelming fatigue that I've felt over the past week will dissipate as the stress decreases. I hope to catch up with all of you very soon.


  1. Hari OM
    Good news on all fronts then... definitely praise-worthy. YAM xx

  2. Gorgeous photo!!! Absolutely perfect!

  3. That is one terrific photo and we hope you feel terrific soon!

  4. Continued prayers for your dad..you...and your family.

  5. Spectacular Silhouette and wow on the colors of the sun.... glad your dad is better and hope you will be soon... stress really can aggravate health issues

  6. I'm so glad your dad is on the mend. Such a stressful time. The photo and sunset must have given you some comfort.

  7. That is wonderful news about your dad, KB, and what a gorgeous photo of you, Shyla!

  8. We believe wishes you really need will be granted, and yours was. Mom had hers granted the other day too with NW and getting Bailie into a trial. Stress is exhausting! Take care of yourself, and as your dad heals, you will also feel better. These shock situations are horrible, but they are a good reminder to never take things in life for granted.

  9. So glad to hear your dad is recovery well. Hope his recovery continues.

    What a gorgeous photo of Shyla and the sky. Always love your silhouette post.

  10. Your Dad, best news of all, and a silhouette photo, a wonderful start to my Wednesday. Beautiful colours against the outline, perfect timing.

  11. Glad things are working out on all ends!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. We hope many more of your wishes come true!!! Great news on your Dad, and beautiful photo of Shyla in the Sunset.

  13. Such happy news - hope you can get some much-needed rest :)

  14. What a beautiful sunset of Shyla absolutely radiant.
    I'm so happy to hear your Dad is recovering. I know the feeling of overwhelming fatigue you mentioned mind, body and soul are just weak. Remember take care of yourself, Dad needs you well. I had to repeat this to myself many times in 2013 and 2014.
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  15. Great news about your father! And wow, is that ever a beautiful shot of Shyla!

  16. Maybe your prayers come because you are closer to God

  17. Good news regarding your dad to accompanying a beautiful sunset. We'll continue to send oodles of poodles healing thoughts to you and your dad with POTP wishes.

  18. so beautiful! so nice of Shyla to pose for you.

  19. Were so happy your dad is recovering! And also that your wish came true,,
    What a beautiful photo! Its so easy to take a ton of photos,,, isnt it?

  20. What a gorgeous shot, and I'm so glad you were able to get your walk. I'm sure that was a big stress reliever in itself.

  21. Glad to hear some good news, KB!


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