Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Moony Wednesday

I am writing this on Tuesday afternoon. We will have a total lunar eclipse tomorrow before dawn. I am hoping that the clouds clear out so that we can see it. Our last one was on 9/27/16, and the clouds parted at the last instant to let us see it.

My fingers are crossed for Wednesday - it will be a super moon, a blue moon, and a total lunar eclipse. The moon will be over the western horizon, where our high mountains sit. This was a photo of a super moon setting over those mountains last November.

R is also hopeful - he'll certainly be present for our early morning outing to see it. His eyes are as beautiful as a pair of moons, in my opinion!
R is enthusiastic no matter what - so he'll have fun even if it's cloudy!


  1. Hari OM
    Good luck - we don't get the eclipse here but was trying to watch the NASA live feed just now (from Hawaii) and just got cloudy there! We have blanket cloud and so no chance of seeing it this evening either... sigh... YAM xx

  2. R does have a beautiful set of moons for eyes. so sweet . on the way to the YMCA at 5:15 am today the big blue moon was putting out a stunning blue white light, and when we went out with the dogs at 4 am, we could see every leaf on the ground from the bright blue light of the moon

  3. Beautiful photo! The Dad was out early feeding our ferals and got to see the cool moon.

  4. I hope you had luck, like I did.

  5. too cloudy here, I did get a glimpse at 2 a.m. of a partial red crescent, so no photos.The next line up is in 150 years!!! I hope you get a clear sky for some magnificent photos.

  6. We hope you got it...the fog rolled in here on the west coast.:-(

  7. We saw the Super, blue moon, but then the clouds rolled in!

  8. We hope you got your moon picture, KB! Your eyes are so dreamy, R!

  9. Those photos are incredible! Especially the one of R. OK, I'm biased. :)

  10. We hope everything lines up well for you because then WE get to see the beautiful moon too:) Handsome R - and oh those gorgeous eyes!!!

  11. No photos from our neck of the woods. I was out of bed at 5AM, and I rode my bike in the dark up to Hug Hill to see it. All that I saw were clouds, clouds, clouds. Oh well.

  12. I think we saw a partial blue moon this morning. It was strange but interesting looking. Hope you got to see something.

  13. I noticed the moon looked cool this morning, but it was so cold and I didn't know about any of the special things happening or I would have paid more attention.

  14. oh my, your moon images are gorgeous! So glad the clouds parted for you! I would have had to get in my car to see it and I just didn't, so thank you for sharing yours.

  15. I am sure, weather permitted, you will get the best pictures of anyone

  16. Last years photos was spectacular KB,, It was a cool feeling knowing it was happening anyway.

  17. I could stare into those eyes all day! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. I blogged about it but completely spaced looking for it! Ugh. From the photos I've seen, looks like it was pretty impressive.


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