Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Clouds on Thursday but still Thankful

I did everything in my power to get great lunar eclipse photos. My alarm went off at 5AM. I was on my bike soon thereafter pedaling in the snow toward Hug Hill, one of the highest hills around here. I was carrying a tripod and a camera with a long lens in a backpack.

As I pedaled up the hill, I was hit with gusts of wind that knocked me off my bike. After one gust, I got off to push my bike with my meager headlamp leading the way. I looked up as I walked, and I saw stars glittering directly overhead, giving me hope that the western horizon was clear enough to let the moon shine through.

I made it to the top in plenty of time... but there was no moon - only clouds. As a consolation prize, I saw some brilliant colors as the sun rose behind the clouds.

As dawn crept up me, I could see the clouds that were obscuring my view of the moon. It looked as if the flat lands below us were completely socked in. Do you see a couple of faint lights from the town below us?

Then, the sunrise colors spread to that part of the sky, with a sea of clouds below me.

By the time the low clouds were threatening to engulf me, the moonset time had passed so I knew that I wouldn't see anything of the eclipse. I rode back down the big hill to pick up Shyla for a ride. She didn't do the very early part of the ride with me because I never allow her to be off-leash in the dark.

Seeing her atop Hug Hill showed how strong the wind was. As an aside, I was literally blown to the ground shortly before these photos.
The "ruff" or "crest" on top of her head was created by the wind hitting her from behind and making her fur stand up straight!

She managed to wave to everyone while keeping her balance.

Then I called her to me, and we headed for a more protected area.
I was sad not to see the lunar eclipse but it was still a memorable morning of riding up a steep hill in the dark and on the snow with wind gusts so strong that they knocked me over. I'll remember that ride for a long time!


  1. Great photos and that wind must have been something. The Dad was out feeding the ferals and got to see the eclipse!

  2. What a beautiful morning!! Too bad about the moon, but at least you got great sunrise shots. You guys still have no snow either?! Weird winter.

  3. Hari OM
    What a shame to miss the eclipse - but this was definitly compentsation! Waving back at ya Shyla!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx (who, unbelievably, managed a good shot of the moon - no eclipse here - as the clouds cleared at 0100h!)

  4. We saw part of it, but I think the sunrise and the fur on the head, wave, balance is almost as spectacular!

  5. At least you had a beautiful sunrise! We saw the Super Blue moon, and the beginnings of the shadow before the clouds covered it....so no Blood moon.

  6. You certainly couldn't have tried any harder! You still got some beautiful shots.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  7. You still got wonderful photos so totally worth it!

  8. Sorry you didn't see the eclipse, but wow, what a gorgeous sunrise!
    I was going to get up for it, too, but as I awoke, I heard the sounds of thunder, starting at about 0530 or so. I thought, "Oh, a lovely thunderstorm! We need the rain so badly." I do love a good storm, and since my husband had already gotten up and taken the girls outside, I snuggled up with them and fell back asleep. At about 7, I realized we really don't HAVE thunderstorms in January ... it was tank fire from the range at Fort Riley. Hahahahaha! Well, that can be really peaceful, too. :). The sounds of freedom. Missed the eclipse, but wow, what a great little nap the pups and I had together!

  9. Hope that fall from the winds didn't aggravate your spine. It is so hard to walk here with the dogs when it is windy - I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for you going uphill AND on a bike!!! Too bad you couldn't catch the eclipse but those gorgeous sunrise skies are certainly worth a lot.

  10. We had the clouds hide the eclipse too and we did not get a spectacular sunrise like you!
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. What a memorable journey even if you didn't see the eclipse. We had cloud cover too...

  12. Oh, I have missed so many of your posties! Knows I am thinkin' of your Dad, and sendin' lots and lots of healin' vibes and AireZens and prayers. I am thinkin' of you guys and am so happy that R and Shyla are doin' so well! YAY!! Oh, I saw the eclipse! If I would have had your camera, I would have gotten some FABulous shots! butts, I only had my POS point and shoot, and was standing in my front yard with a towel on my head in my sweats and tshirt! I did manage ONE shot, butts it's like a light in the distance. sigh. It was beautiful, and I am sure you would have gotten some stunning photos if those darn clouds would have moved outta the way! ☺
    You did gets some amazin' sunrise shots though! the colors lately have been outta this world!
    Ruby ♥

  13. Wow - the colors are just incredible! Hang on to your furs, Shyla - it looks very windy!

  14. Hang on Shyla,,, dont blow away. These photos are so amazing,,
    Please be careful KB,,, please dont hurt yourself.


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