Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 19, 2018

Fill the Frame

I've tried to make Mondays my wildlife footage day of the week but I just couldn't get a video done this week (I am a very slow video editor). So, I'm taking a holiday for President's Day.

I did work on my Dogwood 52 week photography challenge, focusing on two faces that make me smile. The challenge was to "fill the frame" so I filled two frames with our canine family.

Sweet Shyla. No dog has changed me as much as Shyla has. She has her weaknesses, which I focus on too often. I've grown closer to her than I ever thought would happen with any dog after K. She puts up with my "drive" that has an intensity that used to scare her. And, I help her through her fears and try to make her smile every day. I'm so glad that we insisted on keeping her almost 6 years ago.

Then, there's our black dog. He always manages to look serious in portraits but he's one of the goofiest and happiest dogs I've ever known. I love when I can find the right light to highlight his brown eyes. They show the sweetness of his soul.
Today, I celebrate these two canines who bring us so much happiness!


  1. Happy Crazy Love
    Thank you for sharing Shyla and R.

    xo Astro

  2. Awwwww, perfect subjects for that prompt.

  3. Celebrating Canines! nothing could be better

  4. Love the close-ups of your beautiful faces, Shyla and R!

  5. You should celebrate them as they are awesome! All three of you need each other!

  6. Precious post you 3 are lucky to be loved by each other.
    The love you have for them shows in the photos you share
    Hugs madi and mom

  7. What beautiful portraits of your two sweet pups.

  8. They are both such gorgeous dogs, with the most beautiful eyes! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Such incredible dogs-wonderful companions and beautiful spirits. Love them. Of course we all love your pups, regardless of their peculiar ways. So glad you got Shyla too.

  10. Such wonderful close ups of your Duo! Both special dogs
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. We love both Shyla and R - they are just so gorgeous!!!

  12. Awwwwww! What a couple of cutie patoooooites! You can see the love in those eyes....
    Ruby ♥

  13. And we celebrate with you! These are beautiful photos!


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