Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Poetry in Motion

I knew that life was looking up when the morning light was gorgeous. We headed out into gale force winds, but that's become normal recently. 

As we headed up toward my favorite place for sunrise light, I noticed that the angle of the rising sun had changed enough that a new place was illuminated, albeit briefly. 

Shyla was happy about it too because it's her favorite leaping site.

She awes me with her grace and power.

Look at her in flight! She's perfectly horizontal like she's truly flying.

And, she appeared to float as she landed from her leap.
Her first leap of the morning is always her best. Often, I am not fast enough with my camera and all its settings to capture her poetry in motion. I lucked out his morning, and it set my mood meter to "happy" for the rest of the day. The knee isn't better but my attitude is.


  1. Hari OM
    ...and that's what makes all the difference! It is true, too, the there is a noticable 'rise' in the sun. I saw it this week too - in that one half hour that the cloud parted... YAM xx

  2. she makes my mood better just watching her in the photos. i love each one. the paws together, the levitation. so beautiful.

  3. She is so athletic! How can you not smile at that girl.

  4. What beautiful photos of you, Shyla!

  5. What a great series. You can see how much Shyla loves to leap.

  6. Sunshine, even those few seconds make such a difference.Down here, darkness creeps in a little longer every morning. Graceful, loyal, loving, and shining. Shyla leaps with poise, and I hope your day is like her, shining above all else.XXX

  7. We were hoping it meant the knee was better. Glad your day started out so beautifully.

  8. Oh what amazin' shots! You sure do looks FABulous in the morning gold Shyla! I thinks you would brighten anyones day!!!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: POTP for your MOms knee!!! ♥

  9. She has such perfect form!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. The happy wag-o-meter on a morning like that should help the heart, even if it can't help the knee. Hope it begins to feel better. Stay warm this week. Looks like winter is back.

  11. The story of your lives is beautiful poetry for sure!

  12. Perfect capture of her action and face. What a joy.



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