Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Yellow Lab Puppy!

Puppy cuteness can help cure all that ails you! This is the puppy who I photographed early in the winter. Now, she's about 5 months old and has become so devoted to her humans. When they're around, she can't take her eyes off of them.

She's looking up at one of her humans in almost all these photos. She was in a serious mood. She also has a playful and silly side that I hope to see before she grows up!

Her humans have been working hard at training and socializing her, and it shows. She and I were on the deck alone briefly, and she even dropped her bone to come running when I called her!

She's a beauty. Even her eyelashes are gorgeous!
I came home smiling and started searching for a yellow lab puppy to adopt. After a few minutes of looking at very cute puppy faces on my computer screen, I realized that we cannot adopt a puppy right now. Shyla needs us to keep her world stable - and, when we do add a puppy, to plan it out carefully.

I think that I'll have to get doses of puppy cuteness from friends' puppies.

As for my knee - thanks for all the nice questions and comments - the pain is decreasing although there's still a fair bit of swelling. I'm hoping that the icing brings down the swelling soon so that the docs can figure out whether the cartilage and meniscus damage requires surgery.


  1. Miss Yellow Puppy sure is a cutie.
    Hoping that your knee doesn't require
    surgery and the swelling goes away.
    xo Astro

  2. That sweetie is so darn cute! I hope that knee feels better and the pesky swelling goes down.

  3. I LOVE PUPPIES, all puppies, and yellow lab cuteness is wonderful. what a precious pup....

  4. Puppy fever, a very real condition. Lol. What a cutie. I hope your knee keeps feeling better.

  5. Hari OM
    I am all the time checking out the adoption sites... but I have to keep remembering that I have limited mobility, live up a big flight of stairs, don't have a yard of my own and am still travelling way too much... sigh... so I live vicariously through my blogdogglies, through my visits with Bertie, and throug the visits of wee Jock to me! YAM xx

  6. What a cutie pie! But thank you for thinking of Shyla during your puppy fever. It's hard to stay rational when overwhelmed by puppy breath!

  7. Those puppies can put a spell on anyone and make you think you want one. Then we come to our senses and realize that it can be more fun to just play with someone else's puppy and not have to deal with all that having a puppy entails. She sure is a cute one.

  8. What an adorable puppy!!! Puppies get this old lady excited too, but we are set at three (for now:) We got a nice puppy fix yesterday with the Today show and their new guide dog lab-in-training. They had the whole litter on - so cute!!!

  9. What an adorable puppy!!! Puppies get this old lady excited too, but we are set at three (for now:) We got a nice puppy fix yesterday with the Today show and their new guide dog lab-in-training. They had the whole litter on - so cute!!!

  10. She is just adorable! Have you met her and gotten to play with her yet, Shyla?

    1. Shyla and R met her when she came over to be fitted with one of our spare crates. Shyla is always "worried" when she meets a new dog. It would take some time to know how she'd respond in the longer term. I wasn't here at the time, but the Runner said that the puppy literally ran under Shyla - that was about a month ago - and that shows you how little the puppy was. She's growing fast now though!

  11. Puppies are a big commitment even without pets who require special attention. Puppy fixes from neighbors are a viable alternative. 🐾 Glad to hear your knee is responding well to treatment. Keep up the healing work.

  12. OH my goodness that is a beautiful yellow lab pup and combined with your excellent Photo skills with pups this is a truly (in all sense of the word because sometimes awesome is used incorrectly and too much) awesome post.
    Hugs Madi and Mom
    PS Mom here maybe my age is showing in the comment about awesome but I truly believe 85% of the time it is used incorrectly...stepping off my soap box

    1. I agree with your opinion on the overuse of "awesome". For that reason, I am honored that chose to use it here!

  13. Labs are focused on their humans. Mom enjoys the challenge of us hounds who love Mom, but are not so focused, and not always on every command. Not the thing for everyone, but it works. Super cute puppy, though. Looks like our cousin Lena.

  14. What an adorable little one! We are definitely enjoying the puppy months...on most days ;-).

  15. What a darling pup! I know that for several good reasons I could not handle having a puppy, but I would be more than happy to borrow her for awhile. :)

  16. Puppies do make you want one. Glad you have a pup you can enjoy without the work!

  17. such a sweet pup and lovely portraits of it.
    so glad your pain is decreasing.

  18. Nothing cures all like a puppy! Beautiful girl.

  19. Oh there is too much cuteness, and sweetness in that puppys face!
    So glad your knee is behaving itself!

  20. I feel like it's so important to consider the needs of your current household before adding new members, so appreciate that you don't take that lightly. But who wouldn't be tempted when faced with all that puppy cuteness? :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  21. Nothing better than puppies frolicking and tumbling......love!
    Fingers crossed that your knee will quickly respond to ice so the pro's can do their assessment.
    Ron and Sophie


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