Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 9, 2018

Aerial View of a Spectacular Sunrise

You may have noticed that it's been a long time since I could get any views from the sky. The primary obstacle was the wind. I'd see the eastern sky light up at sunrise but then I'd hear the wind. There's no way that I can fly when the wind is strong enough to be heard.

This morning, the eastern sky was a brilliant orange but I almost didn't go outside to check the wind due to pessimism. The Runner encouraged me to check it, and he was right! The sky was beautiful and the wind was in a temporary lull.

As I got a view of the east, all that I could say was "wow!". What a spectacular sight.

I turned to look to the west, and the alpenglow made the mountains appear to radiate pink.

Then, the sun crested the the eastern hills.

One last photo - and I could hear the whoosh of the wind starting out of the west.

Before landing, I got one more peek of the mountains from very low.

I did have time to record a short clip of video near the middle of the sunrise. It is also at Youtube.

Happy Friday.


  1. Hari OM
    We had a pink sunrish this morning. It pales into insignificance compared to this! YAM xx

  2. OMD! The colors are just stunning!

  3. Gorgeous. I love the alpen glow.

  4. What a beautiful sunrise. I'm glad the runner got you out to look at it.

  5. As I was coming up 68 yesterday, a young elk was standing in the road watching the sunrise. I thought how nice to see animals enjoying that beautiful sky as well!
    What a great place to live!

    1. I second your sentiment. Lucky you - seeing the gorgeous sunrise and a young elk at the same time!

  6. How fun to do that aerial stuff. It wouldn't be very practical here in suburbia, but where you are it is great!

  7. Oh my word I am at a loss for words to describe the beauty you captured. thank you for sharing it
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  8. A friend who works restoring old planes and is an aircraft engineer, says that soon everyone down here will need a licence for a drone.One tourist was fined for flying his too near aircraft that were dropping water on a massive bush fire. 12 fixed wing or choppers had to be grounded for some time. His drone was about $4000!! They confiscated it. We, and you, are so fortunate to have those wonderful isolated areas, and capture that beauty we would not see otherwise.So worth getting up for, glorious colours.

    1. It is awful how idiots can be so badly behaved and then give entire groups of people a bad name. There have been similar incidents down here. Apparently, if a fire breaks out or other kind of emergency happens, an area instantly becomes a "no fly zone". Some drones are programmed to NOT start up if you're in a no fly zone. That seems like a great idea... using technology to prevent idiots from being reckless.

      I do love flying mine. However, I didn't really realize the degree of responsibility it takes to fly safely when I bought it. I understand it now... and that's why mine wasn't in the air for a whole month of wind!

  9. All of the different colors are so amazing. And gorgeous!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. What an amazing sunset and gorgeous photographs.

  11. WOW is all we can think to say, and yet it seems so inadequate. Just simply beautiful.

  12. Could there be a more inspirational way to start (or end) a day? Truly majestic, beautiful and breathtaking.

  13. We never ever get tired of seeing this beauty! And we come back often!
    thank you KB


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