Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Thankful for A Lovely Bluebird Day

Today was a bluebird day by any definition! We hurried out to soak up the sunshine.

After I rode and played with Shyla. I headed out to ride a little more on the roads, which are easier on my knee than the trails. I saw the mountains across a meadow.

As I gazed at the mountains, a Red-Tailed Hawk caught my eye as he soared and then perched up high.
When the Red-Tailed Hawk took off, another bird, much bigger than the hawk, flew straight at him. I was searching my mind for what kind of bird could make a Red-Tailed Hawk look small. It was a Bald Eagle! He chased the hawk away and then did a couple of circles over my head. I captured no photos of him but it was breath-taking.

After all that avian activity, I felt sure that the rest of my ride would be uneventful. Nope! The Mountain Bluebirds had returned to enjoy our warm day. It amazing how bright they are, especially after drab winter days.

At this time of year, they move up and down in elevation depending on the weather. It was warm up here today.
Now you see why it was unquestionably a Bluebird Day.

I am so thankful for Bluebird Days and the signs of springtime that make me smile!


  1. a really true blue bird day. he is beautiful... those mountains are spectacular... glad you got a ride in on the road

  2. What a special day! That hawk is gorgeous, and oh, how I would have loved to see that eagle!

  3. Hari OM
    My word... what brilliance! YAM xx

  4. Such wonderful photos and we'll be thankful when winter winds down a bit more!

  5. Wow, I love seeing those little Bluebirds.
    Hope your knee continues to heal.
    xo Astro

  6. Great bird activity, how fun to see all that. The bluebirds are so pretty, I just love them.

  7. Wow - an eagle and a bluebird in the same day!

  8. Welcome back, bluebirds! Little pieces of the sky, aren't they!

    Chris from Boise

  9. Snow on the tops, birds on the wing, all together glorious.

  10. What a pretty colored bird. We love colorful birds of any kind.

  11. What a beautiful day for you and Shyla. The beautiful Colorado sky and the Mt. Bluebird and the sky are exactly the same color.
    Hugs madi and mom

  12. W.O.W. Both birds were exquisite but that blue bird...amazing. Being i the city I never see anything quite that colorful though I have seen a couple of hawks floating around (maybe they're scoping out all the urban chicken coops. 🦅

  13. KB, I'm glad you are at least able to ride with your knee. You amaze me, with your dedication to biking. I've been riding the bike at the gym, until I can get out on mine again. I love Mountain Bluebirds and wished we had them down here. It's so beautiful today and it feels like spring, I'm so ready for it.
    Hugs, Noreen

  14. That must have been quite the sight to see that bald eagle!!! And we so love bluebirds - that one sure has some vibrant blue feathers.

  15. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop, we appreciate you!

  16. We could sure use a bluebird day after getting 17 inches of snow overnight! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. OMD...burdies!!!! I do loves the burdies! I wish we got more Bluebirds around here...they seem to be replaced by the Grey Jays the last five years. We do have lots of other FABulous burdies, butts Ma misses the Blue Jays. sigh. Thanks for the photos!
    Ruby ♥

  18. Ohhhh the blue birds! Spectacular!


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