Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Black Dog Saturday

R is ten years old but I really doubt that anyone who meets him out on the trails would guess it. In fact, most people assume that he's the younger of our Duo.

I love R for the trait that is hardest for a human to cope with - his zany crazy energy. He's a challenge but he makes me smile. He leaps for no apparent reason except that he must beat his sister in a recall race. He did this just last week!

And his ears fly wildly in the air as he sprints to me as fast as can - just because he can!
If only our Black Dog could give me some of his energy!


  1. I kind of miss that younger dog energy - my seniors pretty much just sleep all day! Even my 2 year old grand dog isn't that energetic, LOL. Keep it up, R!

  2. We just love your happy smile and energy, R!

  3. He looks like such a happy guy.

  4. my grin is splitting my face from that last photo. just to funny for words. LOVE it.. Jake had that same energy but is losing it, his heart says leap, his body says no...check out Jake Jumps post...http://fourpawsetc.blogspot.com/search/label/Jake%20Jumps

    1. Great post and photography! Jake was an incredible leaper!

  5. If you figure out how that energy transfer thing works, let me know. 😊

  6. All that youthfulness is due to the wonderful love and car R gets from you and The Runner. He always makes us smile.

  7. Yay, R! You go, big boy!!!

    Also...I seem to recall that you lived through months and months of crate rest and PT after elbow surgeries, to get back to what you love best. You might mention that to your Person, who I suspect having a hard time juggling her knee restrictions with her need to be active. If you could do it, she can too. The pay-off is great!

    Chris from Boise

    1. You guessed right on! R can be my role model in more than one way.

  8. Those crazy ears!!! Maybe your turn to do the other side of teaching to KB!! Hope your knee is doing OK and you are resting it as told.

  9. His ears up like that makes him look a little like a bat.

  10. R just looks like such a thoroughly joyful creature! I can well imagine how nice it would be to borrow some of that energy. Countless times I have watched Piper's fluid movement as she trots along in front of me on a trail and wished I could borrow some of that spinal sinuousity...I have tried to "think" it into myself, but haven't yet succeeded.

  11. R is young at heart, and I love that! Seeing senior dogs able to act like puppies is just the best. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. I see happy,, happy happy!


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