Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 2, 2018

Finding Flowery Smiles in Early March

I'm sure that we all have those days when it feels as if an overwhelming weight has been placed upon us. Yesterday was one of those days for me.

A sunrise like this one is like a restart for 2018! It can make me smile.

Our indoor flowers also brighten my day. They make life so much more colorful at this time of year.

I never feel that my photos of daffodils do them justice but I keep on trying!

A daffodil reaching for the sunshine...

And, our trusty Paper Whites, which bring a smile to my face!
Happy Flower Friday. I hope that everyone finds something to smile about today.


  1. Hari OM
    No sign of any bulbs here - yet. We are in a big freezer at the moment... but meanwhile I will gaze on these again and, yes, smile! YAM xx

    1. Our daffodils aren't outside either. 'Tis the time of year that the Runner knows how I'll rejoice over a bunch of cut daffodils - because I'm desperate to see some color! Don't worry - spring will get to all of us before too long.

  2. We have some green shoots just beginning to poke up here, Spring will be here soon!

  3. Daffodils are my favorite flowers - well, they're tied with bluebonnets, but those don't grow anywhere near here. So pretty and cheerful and bright!

    And there's a good foot and a half of snow on the ground from a big storm we had yesterday and last night, which makes me (and probably all the local dogs!) very happy.

  4. What a gorgeous sunrise! Nothing is as cheerful as a beautiful yellow daffy☺

  5. I love the flowers. They must be so nice this time of year.

  6. Nature does have a way of mitigating 'those' days!

  7. Love that early morning colour. Golden daffs are gorgeous.

  8. Flowers do always brighten up any day. Pretty Daffodils.

  9. I've been having some of those days lately too...so the beauty here is much appreciated!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. Here's to a lightening of that burden over the weekend. We love the Runner for gifting you with those flowers - and for giving you a chance to give US those beautiful photos.

    Happy Dr. Seuss Day.

  11. Wow! Your sunrise picture is very flower-like!! We have a few daffies popping up here but the recent cold snap has them looking very sad :-(

  12. Beautiful sunrise! we are in the middle of a few days of snow so no color here We are ready for spring
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. Early blooming bulbs are heaven sent especially in a short growing season. Yours are lovely.

  14. such brilliant gems of magic!


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