Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Thankful for Snow!

I am increasingly grateful whenever we see something resembling "real winter". We had that last week, and I loved it more than I expected.

On the days before and after the snowstorm, the temperatures were very cold - below 0°F when I awakened. For that reason, I was very surprised to see a flock of robins in our neck of the woods on the day of the snowstorm. They adorned this snow-laden tree as I approached, like ornaments on a Christmas tree. Then, every one of the robins except for this loner flew away.

On that first day of the storm, the sky was steel gray, and the snow was sticking to every branch.

If you touched a branch, a poof of snow exploded.

The next day was my favorite. It was coldest day of all making frost form all over Shyla's fur and my fleece. To the east, the sky was robin egg blue.

Remnants of the storm made the west less blue but still glorious - especially with a chocolate lab in the picture!

Shyla and I visited Angel K's favorite lookout. It's amazing to me how individual dogs are. K loved this spot, and Shyla doesn't. To make Shyla happier when we visit, we play some games that include hopping up on K's perch and then I quickly snap a photo before Shyla looks worried again. This photo is one of her more upbeat expressions.

Shyla has chosen her own special places in our forest where she loves to slow down and relax. This photo was in Shyla's favorite spot atop a big boulder outcropping. I don't think that K ever laid in this spot.

I need to reread this post next November because I always am bemoaning the end of my "favorite" time of year in that dark month. Truth be told, I do love the special beauty of winter. We have had far too little of it this year. Our biggest snowfall months start today so please let it snow!


  1. We are currently under a Winter Storm Warning with lots of snow to come! LOVE all of your pics!!

  2. Hari OM
    We have got that here today - four-inch dumped, powdery and well below freezing... am loving looking at it! YAM xx

  3. love those snow bursts with her popping out... so beautiful. glad i am not there, zero temps make me shudder. we have had almost no winter, bob said today you will be happy this week end, they said 58 at wake up high of 76. perfect for me... cold weather to me is 48 degrees and i love that but not below

  4. Such wonderful photos and we love the Snow Shyla! Our March is coming in like a lion with bad storms and maybe a tornado later today, yuck.

  5. Your snow is so beautiful, Shyla. Have lots of fun in it!

  6. It's amazing how much you miss something when you don't have it...like snow.

  7. Your photographs are amazing!! What an artistic eye you have....are you self taught or have you been to classes.
    Hugs madi and mom

  8. What grand snowy shots! I love the poof of snow as Shyla runs through it. Our weekend cold has turned springlike here in Breckenridge. We sure can't afford a lot of snowmelt!

    1. It's getting warm here too. Snow turned to slush at our elevation. I guess it is March! We need snow!

  9. Stunning photos!!! That robin looks so gorgeous amidst all the white snow. And truly amazing shots of Shyla.

  10. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. I feel like we might be done with snow here this year. The next storm is rain/snow and who knows what we'll get! While I don't care for the bitter cold, I wouldn't mind more snow before we're done. But we're always at the mercy of Mother Nature!
    It was fun to see the robin, and Shyla's snow covered face!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Fresh snow is always so beautiful. It's depressing ours is all melting.

  13. How beautiful!! The mountains near us are suppose to get lots of the white stuff over the next day or two, we'll make sure to send it your way!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  14. Your snow always looks so much prettier than ours!
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. Shyla looks beautiful in the snow, but we LOVE the picture of her, in her special spot. She looks so happy and contented.

  16. We're hoping the snowpack picks up this month and next. Storms this time of year are my favorite.


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