Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Black Dog Sunday

One evening in Utah, I had fun with R, taking photos of him at the base of K's Rock. He has such an intensity about him. I think that I had a treat in my hand for this one, and 100% of his brain was focused on it, thinking "how do I get that treat?".
That's the way that R is wired. There's no "halfway" in his world. He's 100% into something or not interested at all.

We did some recalls, and he put his whole heart into it, as if he was racing someone.
He makes me smile so much when he and I interact. My love for him has grown exponentially with each passing year.

The funny part is that, compared to his eleven littermates, R had the "least drive". Whoa, can you imagine his siblings? I can't imagine living with them!

I have since learned that his first owner used aversive methods to train dogs. I can see how R might shut down when faced with that kind of training. At his core, he's a very sensitive soul.

It took me a long time to get to know his sensitive side. He's so driven most of the time that you'd never guess that he had such a soft heart.
I love our black dog!


  1. What a very handsome boy you are R :) Milo,Jet & Arli

  2. Hari OM
    GGgrrrrrrrrrr gorgeous Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. You are a handsome and very special boy, R!

  4. Your photos are most wonderful handsome R!

  5. He's such a sweet boy! His face is very expressive! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  6. What gets me is his expressions, his focus, and, of course, how cute he is.

  7. He still has that almost puppy look on his face, as if to say " Is this really how I am".Interesting that he also started with a totally different life. That goes to show us all, that you worked a miracle with him too.

  8. that first photo made me hold his face between my hands and squeeze it and kiss his face. hope he felt it. i sure would love to hug him. he is soooo handsome

  9. R is gorgeous and those dark chocolate eyes....OMCs....mom says she just wants to swim in them...I know she is ODD but you know she has a party in her head.
    His Dog mom must have been a saint to have 12 pups with everyready batteries at birth.
    Lovely lovely photos of a most handsome subject
    Hugs madi and TOGM

  10. I love him too! Thank you for sharing him.

  11. I love the last picture - you can see the puppy inside the dog :)

  12. I read about how difficult it is to capture a black dog on film. You would never knowing looking at your shots of R. You capture the velvety texture of his coat and the soulfulness of his eyes. Just lovely.

    1. It is very difficult, and I'm still learning after years of experimentation. The biggest thing that I've learned is that bright light is not good for a black dog. Just at sunrise or sunset is good. Also, cloudy days are good. I'm still striving to learn but thank you for your kind words!

  13. He has such a puppy face for an older gentleman.

  14. Your R is such a beauty. Thanks for sharing him with us.

  15. Happy Crazy Love him too.

    xo Linda and Astro

  16. I think reading this post made me realize why I so love R - he reminds me of my beloved angel Josey; talk about drive, single-mindedness and athleticism! And she, also, hid a sensitivity beneath all of that coiled energy. The difference is that Josey only loved her humans - she never bonded with another dog... R is so much sweeter that way :)

    1. "Coiled energy" is a great phrase to describe your departed Josey and R. I'm glad that you loved a dog who shared R's intensity. It's quite a ride!

  17. Such a handsome boy!
    Hazel & Mabel

  18. Especially love that last photo. Such an earnest look!

  19. Oh he is so handsome!

  20. What a super handsome boy he is and a great brother to his sister.


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