Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Glorious Rocky Mountain Sunset

For the first time in a long time, I was able to hike to see an exquisite sunset with the pack.

You might remember my knee - it sustained a serious contusion and perhaps a minor fracture of the top of the tibia back in February when I landed very awkwardly in deep slushy snow on a hillside. I rested it as much as I could, including not hiking, until almost the end of our desert trip. The pain steadily decreased over the entire nine weeks or so. And then, all of a sudden, the swelling shrunk a lot too. I was so relieved that escaped that injury without surgery or complete immobilization.

Because my knee has healed almost completely, I can go for evening hikes with the pack again! We timed our hike perfectly the other night so that we could watch the sun set over the snowy Continental Divide.

We arrived just as the clouds were lighting up.

Gradually, the clouds became a deeper orange.

Eventually, they were as dark orange as they could be!

When I swung my lens southward, the clouds were delicately hanging over the local ski area with a faint glow of orange on the clouds and the horizon.
As the colors faded, it was time for all of us to trek toward home in the dusky forest. I felt so content to be able to walk on our trails again!


  1. We are so happy to hear that you can do evening hikes again now, KB. Your sunset pics are simply stunning!

  2. Hari OM
    We used to get similar skies in Australia - here the skies are definitely different - but they have their own beauty... YAM xx

  3. I think I might find it impossible to walk or hike while the sky is completing its miracle glow. to gorgeous for words

  4. I'm so glad your knee is doing better and that sky is beautiful!

  5. I'm glad your knee healed without surgery too. I hate it when I hurt myself.

    What a lovely place to go to watch the sunset. Breathtakingly beautiful.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ♥

  6. Glorious colors and vistas!
    I'm so glad to hear about your knee! It's amazing to me how long things can take to heal (as I age) -- then it's like all-of-a-sudden something clicks and everything is almost back to normal! Enjoy those hikes!

  7. So glad you are feeling better. Love mountain sunsets, your pictures a glorious!

  8. Your blog post title says it all!
    I'm glad you enjoyed a nice trail walk too
    Hugs madi and mom

  9. Do you have a long time after the orange before it is totally dark? Down here, that colour lasts for such short time, then grey and black are suddenly there. Your knee, what wonderful news, and hiking again, what a delight.

    1. Hi Jean! No, there's not a lot of time between the orange, then gray, and then black. We usually end up hiking home in the dusky dark after seeing a sunset!

  10. We are so very happy that your knee is better. And what amazing photos you have here for us to enjoy!!!

  11. Glorious is right!! Glad the knee is better!
    Hazel & Mabel

  12. I'm so happy for you that your knee is healed so you can hike again! Beautiful photos!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. So glad to hear good news about your knee! Good job restricting your activity to let it heal. We know how hard that is with your need to move. Proud of you!

    Chris from Boise

  14. The most beautiful in the world!

  15. So pleased to read your knee is healing up so well and you can join the pack for walks again.


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