Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, May 25, 2018

A flower and memories

Like so many things in our natural world, these flowers bring back a flood of memories.

About nine years ago, our yellow Lab was nearing the end of a battle with cancer. These flowers were blooming, and he managed to pull me hard enough to eat one of them!

Dogs have the most incredible hearts, living each day to its fullest for as long as they possibly can. Within a week after pulling me to eat a flower, he was gone.
I miss Angel S but I'm glad that a flower makes me remember him.


  1. hugs to you... and hugs to angel S

  2. Hari OM
    The exact purpose of flowers, to demonstrate the fleeting nature of time, and to remember... YAM xx

  3. Those flowers are beautiful, and what a great way to remember Angel S.

  4. Such beautiful flowers and a beautiful memory of S.

  5. your angel was so beautiful, not matter how long in the past we always have fond memories of our angels... we spend lots of time talking about Max, Baby and Cooper, our angels. little things bring back big fond memories like your flower did. every time we see wild ducks, we think of Max walking around the corner of the house with a duck hanging out each side of his mouth. he was a hunter.

  6. Beautiful boy! So glad you have such a wonderful memory of him. <3

  7. Angel S surely knew how to appreciate all the beautiful things around him...which he, no doubt, learned from you.
    Hugs madi and mom

  8. How funny. Furry ones will always be in your heart and mind.

  9. What gorgeous flowers and it wonderful when you can see them and remember and smile♥

  10. Dont forget my columbines when they are out.

  11. Hugs. We did enjoy the photos though.

  12. What a handsome fellow. And obviously silly, too!

  13. Signs of our angels are everywhere. He sounds like a terrific dog.

  14. We are sorry we did not get to know Angel S, but he sure was handsome!!! Isn't it funny how certain things, like this pretty flower, bring back some of the best memories!

  15. Beautiful flowers and memories!
    Hazel & Mabel

  16. What a special memory. I'm so glad your Angel S was able to live his life to the fullest right close to the end. We never stop missing them, do we? ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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