Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, May 25, 2018


I know that Memorial Day is supposed to mark the start of summer. However, it is only really the start of spring here in the mountains.

Green is appearing everywhere! It's that lighter green of early springtime.

Here is a verdant valley that Shyla and I have explored recently.

Even the valley has towering Aspen trees forming a green canopy over our heads.
It's my absolute favorite time of the year!


  1. Hari OM
    Loving those tree shot! Ove the last couple of weeks the trees outside my window did that bursting forth thing and now winter is a distant memory. How quickly it turns! YAM xx

  2. The green, the tall trees, Beautiful.

  3. Spring is so beautiful in your back yard!

  4. love the view looking UP through the aspens. and to me spring green is the best green of all. Shyla looks like she is having a blast in that meadow

  5. Those are amazing photos and the green sure looks so pretty!

  6. The mountains are just now waking up and shaking off their cloaks of white. It is an amazing time of year. Thank you for sharing your mountain with us. Love from our mountain, Kathy and Enzo

  7. Springtime in the Rockies...so beautiful. Enjoy those more moderate temps-it's gonna be in the mid 90's F in town.

  8. Oh my word what absolutely glorious blue skies and trees leafing.
    Hugs Madi and mom

  9. Oh my goodness, your skies are the most incredible shade of blue!!! And blue is my favorite color:)

  10. The sky is so blue!! I love the springtime greens - ours have already turned to the darker green of summer. It seemed to happen very quickly too!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Wonderful spring photos!!
    Hazel & Mabel


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