Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Black Dog Sunday

Our black dog makes us laugh so frequently. His exuberance about everything on earth sometimes
prevents him from focusing on any one thing.

During a recent recall, a scent caught his nose as he ran to me, causing him to try to look toward it while trying to sprint straight ahead.

Later, in the same session, he refound his laser intensity. His goofy look is SO typical of this full-speed-ahead dog!
Life is definitely more interesting with our crazy black dog in it!


  1. laser is the right word for those eyes. Love him, love his eyes and his FOCUS...

  2. We can tell that you adore being alive, R! Happy Sunday☺

  3. Those photos were sure smile makers R!!!

  4. LOVE the 'glider dog' image! One of these days that boy is gonna take off!

  5. We cats, maybe K9's too, have a scent organ in the roof of our mouth called a Jacobson Organ. Anytime we smell something unfamiliar we kinda look like we are panting but actually we are breathing in the scent to send to Jabobson for I.D. R kinda looks like he is doing that too.
    Hugs madi and mom

  6. R sure does have a love for life!!! And he is so handsome - beautiful sheen on his coat.

  7. What fun shots - R is definitely a character!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  8. He's a riot, my ribs hurt from laughing.
    Happy Crazy Love.
    xo Linda and Astro

  9. R makes us smile!
    Hazel & Mabel


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