Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Almost Wordless Wednesday - Sunset near the Solstice

Around the solstice, we spend lots of evenings playing, hiking, and picnicking in the forest around our house. I adore this time of year when the evening light seems endless... These are a couple of recent photos from our evening time in the forest.

Best Friends do a Recall Together

A sunset that looked like abstract art during our solstice picnic


  1. love that sunset. R's eyes are amazing. I love the way the light changes their color

  2. The solstice is a magical time. Crazy to think we are now on the other side of that with days getting shorter.

  3. Oh my goodness - the sunset is beyond spectacular!

  4. Hari om
    Outstanding! YAM xx (wo ix still travellinv and strugljng with tablet and dodgy interwebs!)

  5. We have a full moon, the sunshine hours are slowly getting longer, and winter is definitely here. Love those colours, and the Duo, fun in their eyes.

  6. WOW - look at those skies!!! And we see two happy pups!

  7. Oh my word...........mom is speechless and THAT RARELY happens.
    Thank you for always sharing such gorgeous photos of the pups and your lovely state
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. The duo looks wonderful and that sky sure is something!

  9. Crikey ...... that sky?????? amazing!! The pups look great too.

  10. Wow! What a gorgeous sky and dogs too!
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. OMD, I wonder who won?????? ☺
    Wowsa, that sky is just amazin'!!!!! jealous!
    Ruby ♥

  12. It looks beautiful. We lose track of time when the days are so long and end up running behind all the time.

  13. The brightness of the dogs' eyes and the colors of the sunset...both gorgeous!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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