Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Gratitude for our Mountain Beauty

Once a week, I do a "long" mountain bike ride to get ready for adventures high in the mountains later in the summer. Today was my long ride day.

My gratitude for living in a place that many people consider "vacation-worthy" is strongest on my long ride days. I see so much beauty that I don't get bored, even on the weeks when I do the ride alone.

I started off this morning with Shyla, enjoying her company for an hour or so. Her enthusiasm is contagious!

She insisted on one photo with her favorite pose before we headed for home.

Then, I dropped her at home and set out on a tour of the many trails near us. This is one that I rode on pictured a few weeks ago. Ah, it is so beautiful!
Believe it or not, I am still discovering new trails after all these years.  A friend showed me a new loop that doesn't appear on any map, and I managed to reproduce it today! If you knew my navigational skills, you'd realize that that was a minor miracle!

Now I am home and pleasantly tired. We were planning a full moon picnic this evening but thunderstorms are surrounding us.  I suspect that I won't get a gorgeous view of the rising full moon like I did last month!
Ah, I love where we live! Thanks to our friends at Brian's Home for hosting Thankful Thursday.


  1. I love it too and I'm glad that such places still exist ;O)

  2. I love where you live to and I love you showing it to us. that trail through the wildflowers makes my heart sore.. and Shyla doing her "thing" makes me feel joy. that photo on a canvas on any wall anywhere would make the world SMILE

  3. We just love seeing your neck of the woods and the beautiful Shyla always makes us smile. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. I can never thank you enough for sharing your beautiful world with us!!

  5. Your photos say to us...
    Welcome to my office in the Colorado Mountains!
    While Shyla is there too greeting visitors.
    xo Astro and Mitzie

  6. On this Thankful Thursday, I'm thankful you share such fabulous views of your playground.

  7. We love that girls smile! mags and gusser

  8. Your back yard is so gorgeous! You are so adorable, Shyla!

  9. My peeps love where you live too. Shyla love love your wave and I'm waving back
    Hugs madi your bfff

  10. A new trail! I love when that happens.

  11. Oh, that MOON SHOT! It's beautiful! All of your photos are! And what fun to find a new trail!

  12. I love where I live too, but I could sure love where you live as well! Any place where Mother Nature can be enjoyed works for me. :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. We love your world too, and we are so thankful that we get to share it courtesy of you and your amazing photos and posting skills.

  14. Thank you for sharing your beautiful world with us
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. Love that double-pawed wave from Shyla :)
    We had thunderstorms here all last night and nearly all day today. There was a lull around 11 AM and I was able to get most of the chores done before it started up again - there had already been 5.5 inches of rain! I hope you get even more :)

  16. Such a beautiful area. It would make for a nice relaxing vacation.


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