Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 29, 2018

Wildflower Friday!

Wildflowers are having their summer party! They all seem to bloom almost simultaneously so it's hard to appreciate each one.

One of my favorite sights every summer is Shyla galloping through a meadow of wildflowers with snow-capped mountains on the horizon. Shyla gives me the impression that she loves it too.

I enjoy both the big view of the whole meadow and the macro view of individual flowers in the riotous meadow. In some meadows, the yellow wildflowers are still dominating.

However, if you look in the understory below the yellow, some other colors are present. This is a Shooting Star wildflower was going wild in wet areas until recently. It has an odd shape that makes it look like an exploding star if you have a good imagination. This one had a beetle resting on it.

As soon as I get down low to peer underneath the yellow, I realize that the wet ground is almost covered in these brilliant flowers. They are a favorite of mine.

On the edges of meadows, chokecherry bushes recently blossomed. The tiny flowers are arranged in a cone that reaches up toward the sky. I love the sight of these flowers against the blue sky. When you get close to a chokecherry bush, the buzz of bees is loud! The bees seem to adore these flowers. I hope that the bees are doing a good job of pollinating them because the chokecherry fruit is a staple of our bears as they fatten up for the winter.

Another tiny gem as beautiful as each chokecherry flower is the hummingbird. They are so full of life at this time of year. They join me for breakfast each morning, and I alternate between sipping my coffee and snapping photos of them. I know that it is truly summer when the hummers and I have breakfast on the deck together!

I bet that you know what this shadow is! 
Thanks to the Gang at LLB for hosting Flower Friday.


  1. I am so happy the chokeberries are doing well because those bears need lots of food, reading about your flowers, makes me think that nature has a purpose for every bug, flower, grass, animal, all part of the Big Picture of life.. and your life is so beautiful

  2. What a colorful flower the shooting star is, the purples and yellows are gorgeous! I know what you mean about everything blooming at once....I've got enough flowers on my hard drive from the past week to fill a year of Flower Fridays :-).

  3. Beautiful flowers and the hummer is just adorable!

  4. Love, love, love those amazing photos!

  5. Leave a light on mom is heading to CollieRADO to visit you and have breakfast with you and the hummingbirds. Shyla you are twice a pretty as the pretty wildflowers
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. Such beautiful flowers you find in the wild. Those hummers are gems too.

  7. Cool photos. Mom loves to use her macro filters with flowers. They create such fun photos.

  8. That is a perfect picture of Shyla running through the flowers. And the hummingbird shadow picture is great too

  9. That shooting star is incredible!!! When we walk the trail near our home, we see a wildflower here and there and think of you. We need your expertise to identify and to get some pretty photos of them as well.

  10. Such gorgeous and colorful wildflowers!

  11. Those Shooting Stars are gorgeous, I've never seen those before!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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