Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog has had a good week of recovering from his elbow setback. As far as we can tell by watching his gait, he has improved a huge amount.
Tongue-powered Locomotion!

I haven't asked him to run for photos because he runs too hard and might hurt himself. These photos are from our wonderful time in New Mexico where the grass was so green and soft - perfect for running.

Perhaps he just ran too much and too fast during that trip. I'm hopeful that was the cause and that his current lack of limping continues! It's been a couple of years since his major CUE elbow surgery... and we'd hoped that it would keep him running for a long time. He can have more "clean-out" surgeries but we'd prefer to avoid them.

The drought situation has grown so bad that parts of the National Forest in New Mexico near where we camped have been CLOSED - no one is even allowed to enter them due to the extreme fire risk. I guess that we visited during the brief period of green in the New Mexico spring. It was a new place for us, and we loved it even more than we expected!
Our Black Dog goes to the vet this week for his regular checkup, and we'll see whether our vet is concerned enough about his elbow to send us to a specialist.

In the meantime, we will think like a dog by living in the moment. We will revel in R's current happiness and try not to worry about tomorrow. I hope to play with him in our wildflowers this week!


  1. I wish I could train my mind to live like a dog, IN the MOMENT just like in these photos. they look so joy filled and happy... that first photo shows just how beautiful they are.. love the sun shining on their furs... the drought is scary and makes me sad for the wildlife

  2. Hari OM
    ...what Sandra said! YAM xx

  3. We hope your vet appointment goes well for you, R. Happy Sunday!

  4. All paws are crossed that R continues to feel better.

  5. Not a direct comparison, but I have noticed that my knees can get inflamed for days after just a few hours on a harder surface than usual - and you know I'm not doing ANY running! I hope this is just a temporary reaction to a little bit of overdoing, and R feels better every day :)

  6. Dear R being 16 and a senior pet, I truly believe in living in the moment. I'm teaching my senior parents that too. Mom is a believer in happy eyes, coat and tail for me it 95% of my well being and R you pass on all 3. Hugs and good wishes for a good vet visit
    Madi(son) D Cat livin' and lovin' one day at a time

  7. They smile, and then cross paws together, like it was all a part of their own plan. Hope you get some rain, hope so much the vet visit goes well.Hope for every day to be with blue skies and golden meadows.

  8. That is fantastic news that R is running. We pray the vet agrees that he he OK.

  9. R sure does look happy, and fast too!

  10. R looks very happy! Hope you get encouraging news at his check up!
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. I'm missing having a Lab at our house, and I love seeing your boy feeling so much better. Paws crossed for a good visit to the vet this week!

  12. I'm so thankful he seems to be doing better! I hope the vet gives him a good report this week!
    I love seeing him and Shyla together; they are just so stunningly gorgeous!

  13. Amazing capture-that moment of lift off!

  14. We hope that R continues to improve, and no more surgeries are needed. We all need to learn to think more like dogs, don't we? :)


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