Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Caturday: A Mountain lion Takes on my Trail Camera

I've been saying this for months but it's still true. We are in an unprecedented phase of mountain lion activity. I have never had so much footage of mountain lions recorded in such a short time.

This is a recent photo of a mountain lion who visited a water hole to drink. It shows one of the most glaring signs of our drought. Water holes that are usually full all year around are dry now. This one still had a little water when the lion visited it a week ago but it's now arid.

Look at that lion. He is so handsome!

Closer to our home, a lion went through the area visiting the "usual" marking spots. He kicked back the pine duff and urinated to leave his scent mark.

The next marking spot was only short distance away but he must have detoured because it took him almost 30 minutes to get to it. I adore seeing the long muscular necks of these creatures with no bulky collars on them!

Finally, the most chilling sighting was a youngish lion who examined the trail camera closely and even bit it! The main view of him was of his neck.
My friends who have pet cats suggested that this was probably a young cat. It was a silly playful thing to do that a serious adult probably wouldn't waste time on.

I compiled a video of all of these clips, including the lion biting my camera, which you can watch here or on Youtube.


  1. Hari OM
    Yup, cats is cats, no matter their size! YAM xx

  2. this is really sad to me, not enough water and maybe not enough food either. and I know the bears love to lay in the water, and the lions might also... absolutely stunning cat.. I just love them, even more than the bears. the drought and fires and all the whacked out weather and more and more people are pushing them closer and closer to where we live. I am thinking it seems to be more close to you because they are coming in closer... we have lived here in the city for 28 years, never until 2 years ago saw wildlife. coyotes, possums, rabbits, raccoons all on our street. the coyotes are killing pets for food because there is no food in the city.... and our drought is about 2 years long. just my thoughts about it. before I knew you, I did a series of post I think you would like about our Raccoon Porn in our tree. I watched the for 2 hours and we laughed and laughed, they were watching us and cared not that we watched. https://snapperone.blogspot.com/search/label/Raccoon

    1. Wow - what raccoon posts! You are hilarious... and they were in your tree making babies for a long time:) Since you didn't ever mention it, I assume that they didn't have their babies in your yard!

  3. Oh My Cats my distant cousin is such a stunning kitty such beautiful markings. We have 100% the same traits except my potty is only about 2'x2'. MOL
    Hugs madi your bfff

  4. I'm amazed it is only 42 degrees! My dogs would love to feel those temps about now!

  5. We've seen several signs of lion activity in our neighborhood as well. Loving your trail cam footage!

  6. The mountain lion is a beautiful creature, so powerfully built and yet so handsome. Thanks for sharing your photos and video. Happy Saturday.

  7. They are such a beautiful color and so handsome!

  8. WOW! They are so beautiful - and powerful!

  9. Beautiful footage! And I'm glad the camera survived the taste-test.
    Sure hope you get some rain this summer. The crazy way things are going, who knows? Maybe you'll start having frequent summer showers in the Front Range!

    1. I'd love frequent summer showers. The Durango fire is so scary.

  10. Yeowwww. Talk about up close and personal!

  11. Fascinating footage. I hope you have lion insurance

  12. I don't think he was much too interested in doing the selfie thing!

  13. My goodness! While beautiful, it is also scary! I pray you get rain though because these poor lions must be incredibly thirsty. Amazing footage!

  14. Beautiful animals! Hope they have other places to find water.

  15. So powerful and beautiful
    Hazel & Mabel

  16. Crikey .... they sure are beautiful creatures. Mum loves the eyes in that second photo. I hope it rains for you soon. We know all about droughts here in Australia.


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