Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 8, 2018

Flower Friday - A Bounty of Beauty

Happy Flower Friday! I love the time of year when we have endless flowers!

Shyla and I have been frolicking in the flowers almost every morning. The Golden Banner are filling our meadows and tinting the world yellow!

But, if you look hard behind Shyla in the next photo, you see a purple tint of some out-of-focus flowers.

Here is one that is in focus - an Iris!

They are so short-lived here in our drought-parched area but I adore them. The bees may love them even more than I do!

Despite our dry world, a few orchids are still blooming.
I've been taking an extra water bottle each day to give the orchids drinks. I admire these tiny gems because they survive despite looking too fragile for our rough-and-tumble forest.

It is the season that seems to fly by too fast. I love the flowers - and my absolute favorites are just starting to bloom. I'll save them for next week!


  1. Hari OM
    I env your meadows... YAM xx

  2. Wild flowers are just so beautiful. There always seems to be such a variety in color, and shapes.

  3. Momma loves irises too. She's deciding what flowers to plant at our new house!

  4. I have never seen wild iris or a field of yellow like this, about 60 years ago I saw a field of flocks in Georiga. Shyla looks overjoyed to be running in a field of yellow. the iris is just gorgeous. great idea with the water. would not have thought of that. I am glad I am not the only one who doesn't know fashion designers.

  5. Mom loves the Iris although she's never seen them wild. The yellow stuff just makes her sneeze.

  6. I was about to say the same thing Sandra said...about the Iris and the orchid. Your world is stunning...and the Labraduo add to the natural beauty of it
    Hugs madi and mom

  7. Oooooo...What beautiful orchids and iris!! Plus, I just LOVE the bee!!

    Looking forward to next week!!!

  8. Love the yellow meadow! Yellow is such a cheerful and happy color!

  9. Oh that meadow is just awesome!

  10. Happy Flower Day to you also. Shyla is so beautiful in the photos. We can't wait until you have more pictures of the beautiful flowers that are blooming for next post. Thanks for the share. Have a great weekend.
    World of Animals

  11. Despite the appearance of fragility, orchids are quite hardy. And yours are fabulously beautiful!

  12. Those orchids are beautiful. I don't think I've seen any around here outside.

  13. the flowers are gorgeous! How blessed you are to have meadows!

  14. Oh yea, such stunning photos, absolutely stunning!

  15. I love your beautiful world!
    How sweet of you to take water to the flowers!
    And beautiful Shyla for us to see!

  16. Wow so beautiful!
    Hazel & Mabel


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