Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for the natural beauty of our world. It shines light into my spirit even when life is overwhelming.

Last evening, I arrived home exhausted. We are in "pine pollen" season, which is unbelievable by most standards. We have a haze over our world created by clouds of green pollen from our zillions of pine trees. You can see the pollen blowing across a meadow near my house in the photo below. I took the photo last evening.
I never had pollen allergies until about my fifth pine pollen season. Now I really have them, and that's why I felt awful last evening.

Then, last evening, the wind calmed and the pollen clouds settled a bit around sunset. Storm clouds had built over the afternoon but there was a gap on the western horizon to let the setting sun light up our clouds. As I saw the sunset developing, I thought that it was going to be epic, and it was.

The eastern sky turned pink and purple, and there was a small rainbow on the horizon.

The western sky had scary clouds over it, and they turned deep angry orange over the snowy mountains.

It was one of those days when the beauty of our Earth lifted my spirits. Our little Shyla lifted them too. Just after the sunset, we did our "required" playing for her fear rehab. It's amazing how much our play sessions rehab my spirits too!
So, this Thursday, I am thankful for Mother Earth's beauty and Shyla's playful spirit


  1. dogs are healers, I do believe that. I suffer from pine pollen, we have 3 giant trees, I never thought about your zillion trees doing what our three do. it rains in the pool, sticks on our feet and comes in the house. I had no allergies until about five years ago at age 68. that is really a scary cloud of pollen.

  2. Allergy season has sure been bad here too, but your neck of the woods sure is pretty. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Hari OM
    as an asthma sufferer, I cringe at the sight of your meadow - despite the enormous beauty! YAM xx

  4. Mother Nature sure knows how to reward us after punishing us with all that pollen.

  5. Oh boy do we hear you on the EGDotD (evil green dust of the devil). NC is known for her pine trees. Our pollen season was long this year. First the pine pollen followed by all the other pollen. It was horrid
    It was so bad mom could not wear her contacts the entire month of March.
    Hugs madi and mom

  6. Whoa - that is a lot of pine pollen! Your back yard is so incredibly beautiful, KB.

  7. That pine pollen allergy is a new one for us. Never had allergies that we knew of, but these past few years there is something out there that bugs this old lady.

  8. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures.

  9. We have had huge clouds of yellow pollen drift past us, but not every year, thankfully I do not have that allergy. And as the wind dies down, the clouds vanish for a while. In those wide areas, it must be massive, and huge areas of trees give off so much. Hope you cope for the rest of the pollen season. Glorious skies, and Shyla, a leap for joy in her eyes.

  10. Oh my goodness that is a lot of pollen to be in the air. The sunset was spectacular
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. The beauty of Mother Nature, and dogs. That's what gets me through the tough times too. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. I've lived here for ten years and only this spring have had some sort of allergy hit me, in the form of my mostly off-again asthma. It seems to be easing up the last few days, which is excellent. We get a lot of pine pollen but nothing like that - it was worse when I lived in Georgia, my dark blue car would look green! The cottonwood fluff is flying like crazy though.

  13. It is an amazing part of the world. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  14. Wowsa! That's a LOT of pollen!!! I thinks Ma would be inside with an aire purifier! BOL!
    So beautifuls there! OMD, your photos are just amazin'!!!
    Ruby ♥

  15. Just being outside in nature always clears my mom's mind and improves her mood if things are troubling her.

  16. We feel like we share your day with you!

  17. My blue truck is green. I feel your pollen-pain.


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