Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Almost Wordless Wednesday - Yellow Meadows and a Brown Dog

Do you see the yellow tint of flowers in the meadow?

Inside the yellow "tint"!


  1. Good morning Shyla.
    Waving at you from the PNW.
    xo Astro

  2. hari OM
    Hiya Shyla - that yellow looks FABulous with your furs!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. I am waving back, can you see me now??? the first photo looks like a golf course at first glance.

  4. MOLMOL I agree with Sandra we are waving back too...what a darlin' photo
    and OMCs those sunset photos yesterday and the shadows
    Hugs madi your bfff

  5. Oh, SHYLA! You are so very beautiful! You make us smile!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  6. Sometimes we forget what a silly(and smart) girl you can be Shyla!
    Your Spring yellows!

  7. And we have white down here, frost at our place, snow a little further north.Shyla. those waves are coming straight down south!!!

  8. Love the love on Shyla's face. She is so adorable!

  9. Hey, happy girl - can you see the three silly Sibes waving back at you?

  10. Waving and smiling right back atcha, Shyla!

  11. Such a cutie! Paw waves back at you!

  12. Beautiful!! Thank you for your comment on my post today...I know that you understand what we go through with Luke. I thought the Fenzi Boogeyman course was more for competing dogs? No? You have found it useful? I think it's possible that play could be a way to get Luke to relax more.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. The Fenzi Bogeyman course is designed for any dog with reactivity issues. It's not an immediate fix - because you have to learn to play and then get Luke to like playing enough that he can do it in the presence of triggers (but from far enough away that he's not over threshold). We've reached the point that Shyla can play really well in rural settings, and she's not displaying fear of things that used to scare her in that setting. We haven't yet successfully made the leap to playing well in town... but I am determined to get there (we started on April 1). I see great hope in it. Feel free to email me if you want to know more.

  13. Yellow highlights-a pawsome combo for Miss Shyla.

  14. Your beautiful world!


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