Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Sunsets while camping

On our recent camping trip, we stayed in a high meadow with gorgeous light at sunset. It also had huge trees around its edges which made fun hiding places.

I had lots of fun photographing the Duo. This was the evening when R was not running due to his elbow pain... so it was just sweet Shyla in the photos. R bursted out barking every time Shyla got to run... so she made a funny face!

And then kept running...

She sprinted right to the lens one time, just as her brother has taught her to do. I love when she is fearless like he is.

And finally, our pack sunset "selfie".
We are all very tall at sunset! It's the only time that I can be considered tall!


  1. I love your sunset photos... and you look great with that long legs... it should be possible now to step over the highest fences right?

  2. Shyla is beautiful in the golden light.

  3. Aside from R's elbow issue, we hope you had a great time camping. Those sunsets make for some beautiful photos. Love the family in the shadows.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. sunsets and sunrises are one of my favorite things and your TALL sunset is beautiful. hope the elbow pain is better today...

  5. Your funny face looks like you are wearing lipstick, Shyla☺

  6. Tall time, that sounds so good for me too.Beautiful glowing photos of you all.

  7. Such gorgeous lighting!!!! Beautiful photos!

  8. Beautiful! Truly the golden hour!

    Love your long legged pack :-)

  9. Ha HA! Mom would love to look that tall!
    Hazel & Mabel

  10. The gold light gives her a golden muzzle.

  11. That lighting is so gorgeous on Shyla!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. oh my gorgeous!! I love all of them but the last one for some reason I adore!


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