Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 22, 2018

Flower Friday - The Joy of a Little Rain!

We finally got some rain, and the flowers rejoiced! This wild rose was just opening, and its color seemed to become more brilliant.

This Blue Flax also was happy, although its flower drooped a bit under the rain.

Thanks to the rain, the Blue Flax flowers kept blooming rather than shriveling so Shyla could play in them.

It is that time of year when the flowers are all blooming simultaneously so it's hard to give them all their due. However, I had to stop and admire this Columbine with Arnica and Wild Roses blooming behind it.
I must say that I adore this time of year. It's as if Mother Nature is having a brilliant flower party, and every part of our world is filled with flowers!

We are joining the LLB Gang for the Flower Friday Blog Hop.


  1. the raindrop look like diamonds ... great photos!

  2. that columbine is amazing and I have never seen one.. love those rain drops. we were in a drought for more than 2 years, and the past few weeks we are getting blessed rain and the flowers and grass and trees are waving and shouting Hallelujah

  3. What beautiful blossoms! Love them all!

  4. Just beautiful. Summer rain is a welcome thing.

  5. The Columbine is something we don't see in the Piedmont section of NC. I think there are some in our mountains
    Love the raindrop photos
    Hugs madi and mom

  6. Blue flax close up, perfect, this would warrant a competition entry!!!

  7. It's always amazing what a little rain can do!
    Your photos, as always, are stunning!

  8. We always love seeing the beautiful columbine. And you capture the raindrops on the blossoms so beautifully!

  9. Hooray for the rain helping your flowers to keep blooming. You sure found some pretty ones.

  10. Yes, amazing is the right word and Shyla is such a beauty!

  11. so beautiful how you have caught the raindrops on the flowers
    Hazel & Mabel

  12. A little rain is a good thing, but the 4+ inches we got in 2 days was a bit too much.

  13. Shyla looks so happy running through the flowers!!

  14. That is a really lovely columbine. Well done rain!

  15. A spot of rain makes a huge difference. That wild rose is spectacular! Have a super weekend.

  16. I am so happy you received rain,, and I know your world is thankful too!.
    Beautiful flowers!

  17. We're so happy you got some rain! We've been getting some here too, and we have also needed it, though probably not as much as you. It is amazing sometimes how things can just change overnight when that happens.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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