Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Thankful Thursday - Grateful for Our World

This morning, early, Shyla and I visited Hug Hill. I found myself overwhelmed with gratitude that we have such a glorious spot within 15 minutes of mountain bike pedaling from our house. My gratitude tells me that I am where my spirit belongs.
In the winter, Hug Hill can be a harsh freezing place, with west winds as fast as 75 mph hitting me from the direction of the mountains behind Shyla in the photo. At that time of year, I usually am the only crazy person who wants to go there. At this time of year, it's difficult to remember how harsh it was in January. The flowers are blooming, the hummingbirds are buzzing around, and the sun is warm on my shoulders.

Shyla adores playing on Hug Hill. Somehow, she's managed to get past the fact that a bad person hit her in this spot about a year ago. Thank goodness that we can still love this place despite that awful event.

It's also the place where we see incredible sunsets on a regular basis. It's an easy hike from our house, and we just sit and watch as the sun colors the clouds orange.

At this time of year, we sit and watch until late because the sunset isn't finished its show until close to 9PM.
I've had to spend time in towns and cities a bit recently. When the insane pace of city life and the petty worries start to get to me, I find myself going to Hug Hill in my mind. It brings me so much peace.


  1. itäs great that such places still exist... even when they sadly are rare now...

  2. We so love seeing the beauty in your neck of the woods! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. You sure are lucky to have such a peaceful place to visit. Those sunsets are beautiful and Shyla sure looks happy there too.

  4. You are indeed lucky yo live there. And ya, cities....yuck.

  5. Such peace and beauty. Mom says that first photo could be a book cover. You are such a photogenic girl, Shyla!

  6. Hug hill is wonderful and I am so glad she is forgetting the horrible person who hit her.. she looks so happy on her hill... I agree with Molly, Shyla is truly photogenic

  7. Nothing better than having your own respite spot for you and the dogs. So beautiful!

  8. What a glorious spot for you and your gal.....How dare someone strike your dog....that makes my blood boil. Thank goodness with your TLC Hug Hill has no more bad memories.
    Hugs madi and mom

  9. It is easy to see why you are drawn to Hug Hill. It is such a beautiful place. Those first two photos almost look like paintings.

  10. How wonderful that you and your girl have a place that speaks to your soul and you feel peace and contentment there.

  11. Awwwwww! Lookie at you gurl! You are one happy puppers! I would loves to run with you on Hug Hill!
    Ruby ♥

  12. Everyone has their place in the world. We enjoy visiting places like where you live, but Mom could not live there. She couldn't live in a city either. We need the outer ring of suburbia. It makes us happy, but visiting places like yours is always wonderful and you are lucky to be able to live there.

  13. Here's to making loads of wonderful memories there on your hilltop and enjoy those spectacular sunsets!

  14. Wow...I can understand how sitting and enjoying Hug Hill can settle one's mind, it is so very beautiful!

  15. I would soooo love to visit Hug Hill!

  16. I know that feeling of gratitude and that you are where you belong. I often stand in my yard, looking at all our land, and feel the same way. I'm so grateful we ended up here. We feel it even more when we go back to where we used to live (in Mass.) to visit family. We couldn't imagine ever going back there to the towns and cities and hectic life.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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