Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Few Words Wednesday in the Indian Paintbrush

We had lots of fun in the Indian Paintbrush flowers!

A friend recently commented that Shyla had the most "human face" of any dog she knows. I think that the reason is that Shyla has those gray highlighted eyebrows. With each shedding season, our six year old Shyla gets grayer. A recent study showed that dogs who experience high levels of stress go gray so early. I actually love how it looks but hate that it reminds me that Shyla won't live forever.


  1. You are such a beauty, Shyla, in every way♥

  2. that explains why Jake has been gray for years and getting whiter by the day. I agree about Shylas human face

  3. Hari OM
    ...that's why I went grey in my 30s too!!! Gorgeous gal, Shyla, your grey is most distinguished. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. One of my friends calls us " silver tips" and guess it is true for dogs as well. Beautiful and very expressive, you are a great team.

  5. I love these shots of Shyla catching treats. Walter is a high anxiety guy and is much grayer around the muzzle than Millie.

  6. She has amazing expressions that I'm sure are a blast to capture!

  7. With mostly gray and white pups, that is one thing I don't have to think about:)

    Shyla has the most expressive face and you capture it so well.

    Keep the light on, Lightning may be on his way:)

  8. Such beautiful shots! Happy Independence Day!
    KZK, Cam, and Mags

  9. Ohhhh Shyla you look so pretty out standing in the field of wild flowers.
    I just love your gray patches it is you wisdom shining through
    Hugs madi and mom

  10. Shyla's face does have human qualities but the wide open mouth makes her look like too many men I have known

  11. Those flowers make such a lovely backdrop for Shyla's fun expressions!!
    Jan, Wag n Woof Pets

  12. Shylas face always has a story to tell! Always!


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