Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Thankful Thursday - The Labraduo!

Today, my gratitude is simple. I am grateful for how much my dogs have taught me throughout my life.

They have taught me about love, trust, happiness, and a carpe diem attitude. I've lived with dogs for almost my entire life, and each one has taught me something unique. In the case of Shyla, she's taught me about trust. She trusts me and the Runner despite all that damaged her before we knew her.

R has taught me about taking delight in the slightest little thing. He has the most unfettered happiness of any being who I've ever known.
R says "Seize the Day", and we all follow his proclamation!

Thank you to Brian for hosting the Thankful Thursday blog hop.


  1. we are thankful for our sweet Jake for much the same reasons... Joy is his middle name and he has given us 13 years of joy and happiness.. I like the part about they sieze the day/moments. we should all live our lives like dogs do, in the moment

  2. Hari OM
    Oh yes, our pupsters can surely make us alert to ourselves! YAM xx

  3. We always love seeing beautiful Shyla and handsome R along with all of the beauty from your neck of the woods. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Such beautiful pups and so loved♥

  5. We are thankful that you share their journeys with us. I learn something every week from you, whether about wildlife or dog behavior or flowers or joy!

    Chris from Boise

  6. Few things bring as much joy as a loving and loyal dog. Unless it's two loving and loyal dogs.

  7. We would do well as a species to imitate our dogs more.

  8. Clapping loudly and smiling big what a beautiful post.
    Hugs madi and mom

  9. So very well said. We too are very thankful for all the pups who have shared their lives with us. Each added something special to our hearts.

  10. Well said! Beautiful sentiments and beautiful puppies!

  11. I think they are both very happy and lucky pups!

  12. It's so true how much we can learn from them! But you have also helped them to become the loving, happy, trusting dogs that they are. ♥
    Jan, Wag n Woof Pets

  13. Such an adorable and inspirational labraduo you have!

  14. Truly two to be so thankful for!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. Beautiful post KB,,, Beautiful,,, about so much love and thankfulness

  16. HEEEY! Yes, doggies are the bestest teachers in all the world! We have to teach peeps SO much! good thingie is, that most peeps that choose to own one of us, are very good learners!
    Ruby ♥


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