Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 6, 2018

Flower Friday - It is dry but the flowers persist!

I am astounded by our wildflowers this year. It barely snowed last winter, leaving us far behind on moisture, as demonstrated by the huge wildfires burning in our state. To top it off, it has barely rained this spring and summer. Yet, we have wildflowers. I am thankful.

Shyla says hello from a meadow with yellow flowers!

The Lady Bugs love those yellow flowers.

My favorites, the Columbines, are still blooming. They make me grin.

A few Wallflowers and Bluebells are still blooming, if you look in the right places.

We are so thankful that the flowers have managed to bloom and bloom despite the dryness. Shyla is reveling in galloping through fields of wildflowers!
Thanks to the gang at LLB for hosting the Flower Friday blog hop!


  1. High Five pretty girl and romping in wild flowers, what could be better??? gorgeous pics of your wonderful wild flowers. so much better than mine in a planter

  2. Beautiful summer flowers!Your dog so cute :) :)

  3. Those flowers sure are pretty! Howdy back sweet Shyla!

  4. Your wildflowers are always so beautiful! Love the lady bug! Hi right back atcha, Shyla☺

  5. Waving back at you Shyla!!
    That lady bug is A M A Z I N G!!!!!! And the wildflowers just beautiful
    Hugs madi and mom

  6. Hari OM
    Such beauty... and bouncy dog! YAM xx

  7. Love that Shyla smiley!! Beautiful flowers this week!

  8. We're glad to see your flowers are around despite the dry weather.

  9. Waving back, Shyla. How we love that photo of the ladybug. So detailed and clear!

  10. lovely and beautiful wildflowers!
    Sorry that you have not gotten enough moisture. That is always scary for a number of reasons.

  11. Love the columbines!! and Shyla of course.
    Hazel & Mabel

  12. Why did I find myself waving back at Shyla? LOL. LOVE your flowers. I'm surprised by what is surviving and even thriving in our drought - and what is dying off.

  13. Thank goodness flowers seem to be able to power through a drought!


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