Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 20, 2018

Flower Friday

This was one view of our wildflower paradise campsite. Do you see the LabMobile?

The white flowers, "Osha" flowers, were tall. Here's Shyla in the understory of them with a red Indian Paintbrush.

Columbines also bloomed in the midst of the Osha flowers.

Indian Paintbrush have truly shined this year. I adored their deep red color near our campsite.

Red Indian Paintbrush, combined with the Lupines, make a beautiful tapestry.
I love the time year when the flowers are so numerous that I can barely mention all of them!

Thanks to the Gang at LLB for hosting the Flower Friday Blog Hop.


  1. ditto what Yam says, Simply Stunning!!! Shyla and the flowers.. would love to SEE the paintbrush and also Shyla doing her levitating act

  2. Oh how beautiful! The Indian Paintbrush is so striking!

  3. Wow those flowers out in nature sure are beautiful.
    Do you bring seeds back to your property?
    xo Astro and Mitzie

    1. I occasionally bring seeds back from the forest/meadows to our property but it's never worked very well. So, I have to just enjoy the wildflowers where they live!

  4. The beauty of Collirado never ceases to amaze me. When we visited last year we didn't see any of the wildflowers in June clearly WE SHOULD go back in July to see some fields of wildflowers.
    We did enjoy the Garden of the Gods.
    Hugs madi and mom

  5. You always find some beautiful wild flowers to share with us.

  6. It is easy to see why you call it paradise and why you love being there so much!

  7. OMD..Those Indian Paintbrushes with the Lupine bring back some Texas wildflower memories too!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  8. You have the most exotic flowers. Thank you for sharing.

  9. It's always fun to see a field of brightly colored wild flowers.

  10. Such a colorful entry for Flower Friday. Well done.

  11. What a beautiful spot! It looks like heaven.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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