Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 19, 2018


We visited a magical place recently. I am so grateful that places like this still exist.

We camped in a high mountain meadow full of flowers some of which were as tall as me. In the distance, a lake sat at the base of a gully that cut through the middle of the meadow.

The purple lupines looked absolutely stunning in the sunset light. So did Shyla.

We were in this spot on a date that I can't help but remember every year. Angel K died on July 15 six years ago. I can remember K with a smile and a huge amount of gratitude for the years that I had with her. She's a star in the sky now. I still miss her like crazy.
So much to be grateful for...


  1. that was a magical place... I wish we had such places too... without people, cars, farm animals and waste of civilization... oh that would be so great...

  2. what a beautiful magical place to camp. bittersweet memories while you were there. a good place to have those memories with all that sky to comfort you

  3. Such a beautiful place and lovely photos! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Hari OM
    Your sky shots always have me open-mouthed in admiration... YAM xx

  5. The meadow is so full of flowers,
    we didn't realize how much beauty there
    is. K is with you among
    the stars with Shyla by your side.

    xo Astro and Mitzie
    ps A friend mentioned Cinnamon yesterday
    I didn't get teary eyed. She too is
    what I like to think traveling
    with the stars. :)

  6. More night-shot photos please. So awesome...

  7. Six years ago?? Momma's jaw dropped at that. She can't believe it's been that long!

  8. Beautiful mountain area. I love the flowers.

  9. You look so pretty among the purple lupines, Shyla! Your night sky is so gorgeous. I wish our pups could live forever♥

  10. Such glorious beauty. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  11. Simply and truly a lovely post...words, sentiments and photos.
    The night sky is amazing. I can honestly say I've never seen that many stars in my life...city born and raised.
    Hugs Cecilia aka Madi's mom

  12. 6 years and 5 days long ago,( 20th July here) K will always shine in your life and ours. Night sky stars away from city lights are so bright and beautiful.

  13. So much beauty in this post!

    My date is April 7..the day Dory left for the stars with a piece of my heart.

  14. That is a very magical place, and we are so happy that you can visit it and enjoy it with those beautiful memories of sweet K.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. Yes. So much to be grateful for all of our loved ones.

  16. I think our beloved pets stay with us long after they have passed on. I can understand that you still miss her. I miss some of "my" pets as well - and probably always will. But as you said, so grateful to have had them in our lives.

  17. We are grateful to all our angels. It is good that the memories of K are good memories and don't bring pain

  18. What a special and magical spot. Mom never forgets her furry ones either.

  19. Gratitude makes for wonderful thankfulness.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  20. I'm glad you could be in such a beautiful place while remembering K. ♥


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